Hagskýrslur um iðnað - 01.01.1958, Síða 132

Hagskýrslur um iðnað - 01.01.1958, Síða 132
84 Iðnaðarskýrslur 1953 8 Number of establishments mainly occu- pied in manufacturing. Tablc IV. Number of accidcnt premiums1 payers and insurcd working weeks 1953, by industrial groups. 4-7 The capital. 4 Number of accident premiums’ payers in the groups concerned. 5 Number of insured working weeks of ope- ratives (except sales workers) correspond- ing to col. 4. 6 Number of insured working weeks of ad- ministrative, technical and clerical workers (including sales workers) corresponding to col. 4. 7 Accident premiums* payers in col. 4 also with insured working weeks in other groups without being counted as such in col. 4 and 5. 8 Accident premiums* payers in col. 4 counted only in other groups in col. 4 and 5, in spite of their having insured working weeks in the group concerned. 9 Total of col. 4 and 8. 10 Number of establishments mainly occu- pied in the groups concerned. 11 Uninsured labour force in the groups con- cerned: L=little or nonc, N=considerable, M=much. 12-19 Other towns and districts. Same items as in col. 4-11. 20-27 Iceland. Same items as in col. 4-11. Table V. Number of establishments nnd insured working weeks 1953, by industrial groups. 4-9 The capital. 4 Number of establishments mainly occu- pied in the groups concemed. 5 Number of insured working weeks of ope- ratives corresponding to col. 4. 6 Of this insured working weeks of sales workers. 7 Number of insured working weeks of ad- ministrative, technical, clerical and other workers. 8 Number of establishments also occupied in other industries than raanufacturing. 9 Number of establishments including such activities in their reports. 10-15 Other towns and districts. Same items as in col. 4-9. 16-21 Iceland. Same items as in col. 4-9. Table VI. Number of persons engaged at the end of each month 1953, by industrial groups. 4-27 Number of persons engaged at end of month. Verkafólk: operatives. Annað starfslið: administrative, technical, cleri- cal and other workers. 28-29 Monthly average number of persons en- gaged. Table VII. Average number of persons engaged (by sex), number of skilled workers and appren- tices and total of man-hours paid to operatives, by industrial groups. 4-6 Average number of operatives. 4 Males. 5 Females. 6 Total. 7-9 Average number of administrative, techni- cal, clerical and other workers. 7 Males. 8 Females. 9 Total. 10-12 Total average number of persons engaged. 10 Males. 11 Females. 12 Total. 13 Number of skilled workers at end of year. 14 Number of apprentices at end of year. 15 Total man-hours paid to operatives. Table VIII. Number of establisliments 1953, by kind of ownership and industrial groups. 4- 9 The capital. 4 Number of establishments owmed by indi- vidual persons. 5- 7 Number of establishments owned by com- panies. 5 Hability companies and limited partner- ships. 6 Joint-stock companies. 7 Co-operative societies. 8 Number of other establishinents (owned by Government, communes, associations and institutions). 9 Total. 10-15 Other towns and districts. Same items as in col. 4-9. 16-21 Iceland. Same items as in col. 4-9. Table IX. Gross income 1953 by origin, for each industrial group. 4 Sales value of goods produced and services rendered (sales tax not included). 5 Per cent of gross income. 6 Sales value of goods sold without proces- sing (sales tax not included). 7 Per cent of gross income. 8 House-rent received. 9 Per cent of gross income. 10 All other income. 11 Per cent of gross income. 12 Gross income. 13 Col. 5 + 7 + 9+H. Table X. Gross expenditure 1953 by kind, for each industrial group. 4 Purchase value of raw materials used. 5 Per cent of gross expenditure. 6 Purchase value of goods sold without pro- cessing. 7 Per cent of gross expenditure.
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