Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2008, Blaðsíða 45
Tímarit um menntarannsóknir, 5. árgangur 2008
When analyzing Icelandic development in
terms of the informal plan of Scott’s typology
a development of upper secondary education
was detected, which took place during the
‘60s, the ‘80s, the ‘90s and the first decade of
the twenty-first century. During these periods
some schools or study programs related to
upper secondary education moved closer to
the university but within the legal framework
of secondary education. Entrance criteria
in many instances included a matriculation
examination (the main entrance requirement
of Icelandic universities at least during the
twentieth century) and teachers began to carry
out developmental activities and even applied
research. In some instances the programs were
partly evaluated as equivalent to university
or college programs. These programs were
clearly post-secondary, even if they were not
legalized as such.
Later these programs were transferred to
universities or the schools received university
It is argued here that this development will
continue in Iceland. in spite of the advantages
of establishing a post-secondary level. The
reasons are mainly that there are a rather large
number of institutions in Iceland with university
status relative to the small population of Iceland
(slightly more than 300,000 inhabitants). But
many of the universities are also very small
compared to universities in other countries.
Another reason is that universities are to a
great extent financed in accordance with their
student numbers. Therefore, it is assumed that
universities will try to recruit students to study
at the diploma level instead of at a special
post-secondary level.
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European Commission Directorate General
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Lot 3: Early School Leavers. Final report.
Sótt 28.maí 2008 af http://ec.europa.eu/
Finnska menntamálaráðuneytið. (2005:38).
OECD thematic review of tertiary
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Finland. Helsinki: Committee.
Finnska menntamálaráðuneytið. (2008).
Korkeakoulujen Rakenteellisen
Kehittämisen Suuntaviivat. Helsinki: Sari
Sarkonen, Opetusministeri.
Fritzell, A (1998). The current model of
university governance background and
description. Stockholm: National Agency
for Higher Education.
Frumvarp til laga um framhaldsskóla. (2008).
Lagt fyrir á Alþingi á 135. löggjafarþingi
Gyða Jóhannsdóttir. (1998). Flutningur
menntunar leikskólakennara á háskólastig.
Athöfn: Tímarit leikskólakennara, 30(1),
Gyða Jóhannsdóttir. (2006). Þróun
háskólastigs á Íslandi í ljósi norrænnar
þróunar æðri menntunar. Í Úlfar
Hauksson (ritstjóri), Rannsóknir í
félagsvísindum VII, Félagsvísindadeild
(bls. 751–763). Reykjavík:
Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.
Leiðin liggur í háskólana – eða hvað?