Ritröð Guðfræðistofnunar - 01.09.2006, Side 43
New Advent 2005. „Ven. Anne Chaterine Emmerich“: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/
05406b.htm (25.8. 2005)
New Market Films 2004. „The Passion ofthe Christ“: http://www.thepassionofchrist.com/
splash.htm (30.8. 2005)
Nostra Aetate, 1965. „Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions."
Síðara Vatíkanþingið: http://www.ewtn.com/library/COUNCILS/v2non.htm (30.1.2006)
Reinhartz, Adele, 2004b: „Passion-ate Moments in the Jesus Film Genre.“ Journal ofReli-
gion and Film: http://www.unomaha.edu/~wwwjrf/2004Symposium/Reinhartz.htm
(15.4. 2004)
Silk, Mark, 2004: „Gibson’s Passion: A Case Study in Media Manipulation?" Journal of
Religion and Film: http://www.unomaha.edu/~wwwjrf/2004Symposium/Silk.htm
(15.4. 2004)
Reinhartz, Adele, 2004b: „Passion-ate Moments in the Jesus Film Genre.“ Journal ofReli-
gion and Film: http://www.unomaha.edu/~wwwjrf/2004Symposium/Reinhartz.htm
(15.4. 2004)
See the Passion 2003. An independent website in support of „The Passion of the Christ'‘:
www.SeeThePassion.com (30.8. 2005)
Seeq 2006. „PassionCommercial.com “: www.passioncommercial.com (30.8. 2005)
Support Mel Gibson 2004: /http://www.supportmelgibson.com/ (30.8. 2005)
thepassionoutreach 2003. „The Passion of the Christ“: www.thepassionoutreach.com (30.8.
USA ToDay 2006. „Kids will see R-rated ‘Passion “: http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/
news/2004-02-16-passion-rating-kids_x.htm (30.1. 2006)
Greinasöfn sem gefin hafa verið út um The Passion of the Christ:
Corley, Kathleen E. og Robert L. Webb, ritstj. 2004: Jesus and Mel Gibsorís The Passion of
the Christ. The Film, The Gospels and the Claims of History. New York, Continuum.
Gracia, Jorge J. E., ritstj., 2004: Mel Gibson’s Passion and Philosophy. The Cross, the Ques-
tions, the Controversy. Chicago, Open Court.
Perspectives on the Passion of the Christ. Religious Thinkers and Writers Explore the Issues
Raised by the Controversial Movie, 2004: New York, Miramax Books.
Plate, S. Brent, ritstj., 2004: Re-viewing the Passion. Mel Gibson’s Film and Its Critics. New
York, Palgrave Macmillan.