Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Blaðsíða 192
Manntalið 1960
Tafla 36. Mannfjöldi 15 ára og eldri, eftir menntun, kyni og aldri.
Population 15 years of agc and over, by education, sex and age.
Karlar males
Konur females
Með sérmenntun Ekki með sérmenntun Með sérmenntun Ekki með sérmenntun
tq Ö o '3 4-> tn Ö to'g C3 £ “ §• «- w ö « '■ö '3 IA gagn- apróf n ö o T3 '3 i/i gagn- apróf CA Ö o -o 'Ö gagn- apróf
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S B. < B B. S dJ < B. 5 i < S B. Si <
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Allt landið Iceland 1810 2421 12508 1327 4657 34374 348 1689 6544 655 7860 40161
15—19 ára - 46 92 19 2133 5104 1 116 223 17 2318 4509
20—24 „ 30 506 908 545 914 2895 57 386 768 228 1503 2624
25—29 228 624 1512 334 516 2711 85 374 950 149 1143 3014
30—34 377 467 1852 134 294 2807 74 295 1125 114 840 3353
35—39 „ 310 274 1745 92 185 2917 52 170 903 59 531 3547
40—44 221 148 1430 58 137 2946 31 100 684 36 407 3489
45—49 178 108 1204 45 103 2772 14 81 511 16 317 3511
50—54 154 75 1054 38 94 2621 15 49 374 18 245 3221
55—59 113 51 904 22 77 2437 13 42 322 8 185 2923
60—64 „ 85 44 668 14 47 2190 5 26 225 4 140 2825
65—69 52 36 536 16 71 1965 - 27 204 5 108 2605
70—74 27 20 294 7 40 1346 1 18 134 1 59 1776
75 ára og eldri 35 22 309 3 46 1663 - 5 121 - 64 2764
Þar af virkir við atvinnustörf of this
economically active 1669 2265 1 1874 700 3450 29499 215 832 2569 244 3236 11587
15—19 ára - 32 78 3 1193 3503 1 90 156 7 1354 2339
20—24 21 434 854 141 749 2727 47 243 413 102 738 963
25—29 „ 194 596 1483 157 492 2614 49 166 349 61 326 693
30—34 361 465 1844 116 290 2736 43 117 357 33 212 680
35—39 „ 302 273 1724 91 182 2837 32 54 283 15 128 791
40—44 218 143 1422 58 135 2837 17 49 231 9 117 941
45—49 „ 174 107 1186 42 100 2668 7 37 227 5 107 1125
50—54 152 75 1030 38 91 2488 8 25 172 6 95 1095
55—59 „ 110 50 877 22 70 2298 7 27 166 3 74 1001
60—64 82 40 633 13 44 1986 3 12 104 2 37 939
65—69 39 33 460 16 64 1634 - 11 64 i 37 652
70—74 10 14 183 2 28 786 1 1 32 - 7 252
75 ára og eldri 6 3 100 1 12 385 - - 15 - 4 116
A Reykjavíkurþéttbýli, virkir og óvirkir capital eíc., econ. active
and inactive 1326 1335 7218 935 2267 11882 277 953 2988 526 4629 18367
15—19 ára - 19 51 13 1097 1920 1 60 99 11 1254 1908
20—24 16 272 518 371 441 960 37 180 307 173 886 1110
Translation ofheadings .1-3: having vocational education. 4-6: not having vocational education.
1, 4: having finished secondary school, upper stage. 2, 5: having finished secondary school, lower
stage. 3, 6: others.
Note on the Icelandic cducational system. Corapulsory cducation is provided in eleraentary school
(7-13 years of agc, 10-14 years of age in certain rural areas). Following that comes an intermediate
school type for 2, 3 or 4 years, here referred to as secondary school, loivcr stage, the first 2 grades of
which are now compulsory. Having completed certain grades of tliis school, the pupil can either enter
one of the vocational schools, or a grammar school (the latter here callcd secondary school, uppcr stage),
from which a matriculation examination is passed, generally in the 20th year of age. Then there awaits
the student vocational education, generally at university level.