Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Blaðsíða 269
Manntalið 1960
7—8 Craftsmen, factory workers and
labourers n. e. c.
70 Spinners, weavers etc.
701 Spinners, weavers, dyers etc.
705 Knitters, knitting-machine setters.
707 Net makers.
709 Other, n. e. c.
71 Tailors, cutters^ etc.
711 Tailors.
712 Furriers.
713 Milliners etc.
714 Upholsterers.
716 Sewers (hand), sewing-machine operators.
719 Sail makers etc.
72 Shoemakers elc.
721 Shoe repairers.
722 Other shoemakers.
723 Saddle makers.
729 Other n. e. c.
73 Metal treating workers.
734 Blacksmiths.
735 Metal casters.
739 Other, n. e. c.
74 Watchmakers, goldsmiths, etc.
741 Watchmakers.
742 Denture makers.
743 Opticians.
744 Precision-instrument makers n. e. c.
745 Goldsmiths, silversmiths, engravers.
75 Metal turners etc., n. e. c.
750 Lathe operators.
751 Motor vehicles repairmen, body mechanics.
752 Aircraft-mechanics.
753 Mechanics-repairmen, other (incl. office-
machine repairmen).
754 Sheet-metal workers, coach builders etc.
755 Plumbers.
756 Welders and flame cutters.
757 Platers and riveters.
758 Electro-platers and related workers.
759 Other, n. e. c.
76 Electricians and related electrical workers.
760 Electricians, general.
761 Electricians, power stations.
762 Electric-motor repairmen.
763 Radio-mechanics.
764 Installers and repairmen, telephone and
765 Linemen, cable-joiners.
769 Other, n. e. c. (incl. cinema projectionists).
77 Carpenters, cabinetmakers ctc.
770 Carpenters.
771 Shipwrights.
772 Cabinetmakers.
773 Sawyers, woodworking-machine setters and
777 Coopers.
778 Carvers, wood.
779 Other, n. e. c.
78 Painters, paperhangers etc.
780 House-painters.
781 Paperhangers, floorcloth-layers.
782 Other, n. e. c.
79 Plasterers and related workers n. e. c.
791 Plasterers.
799 Other, n. e. c.
80 Typesetters, bookbinders and related workers.
801 Typesctters.
802 Printers, offset printers.
805 Plioto-engravers.
806 Bookbinders.
809 Other, n. e. c.
81 Glass grinders, potters etc.
811 Glass grinders.
812 Potters.
814 Decorators, glass and ceramics.
82 Food and beverage workers.
821 Fish processing workers.
822 Bakers etc.
823 Sugar and chocolate confectionary makers.
824 Brewers and related workers.
826 Butchers.
827 Dairy workers.
828 Margarine makers.
829 Other, n. e. c.
83 Chemical and related process workers.
831 Batch- and continuous-still operators.
832 Cement furnacemen.
833 Cement workers, other.
839 Fertiliser processers, centrifugal-separator
operators, soap makers etc.
84 Snuff makers.
85 Craftsmen and production-process
workers n. e. c.
851 Basketry weavers and related workers.
852 Rubber-product makers.
853 Plastics-product makers.
854 Tanners.
855 Photographic dark-room workers.
856 Piano tuners.
857 Stone cutters.
858 Paper-product makers.
859 Other, n. e. c.
86 Packers etc. (excl. fish-products packers).