Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.05.2006, Page 49
F j ó r a r g e r l a p r u f u r ú r f r a m a n d i f r a m ú r s t e f n u l j ó ð l i s t
TMM 2006 · 2 49
being our our distinguished guests thank you. No more no more said about this
please, OK? It’s it, pal.“ Úr Soliloquy eftir Kenneth Goldsmith.
10 „And we see a little sunshine popping out of the clouds this afternoon. Overall
not that bad of an afternoon, a couple of spots a little windy, actually at JFK
winds, uh, north at seventeen miles an hour, gusting to twenty-two miles an
hour right now. We are going to see some inclement weather as we go through
the morning, now, clouds do increase tomorrow, that’s in advance of a storm that
will bring six to twelve inches of snow later tomorrow night, and into the day
Monday.“ Úr Weather eftir Kenneth Goldsmith.
11 http://epc.buffalo.edu/authors/goldsmith/goldsmith_boring.html
12 http://epc.buffalo.edu/authors/goldsmith/goldsmith_boring.html
13 „OCR demon“. OCR er Optical Character Recognition, eða ljóskennsl stafa á
íslensku, sem er sú list að nota tölvutækni til að skanna inn stafi í myndformi og
breyta þeim í venjulegan tölvutexta.
14 Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle. „Vinnusmiðja með möguleika bókmennt-
anna“. Framúrstefnuhreyfing sem innihélt meðal annars höfundana Georges
Perec og Raymond Queneau.
15 http://www.leevilehto.net/google/google.asp
16 http://www.leevilehto.net/google/anthology.asp?poem=lehto
17 Birtist í 5. tölublaði Arras. www.arras.net