Tímarit Máls og menningar

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.05.2006, Síða 49

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.05.2006, Síða 49
F j ó r a r g e r l a p r u f u r ú r f r a m a n d i f r a m ú r s t e f n u l j ó ð l i s t TMM 2006 · 2 49 being our our distinguished guests tha­nk you. No more no more sa­id a­bout this plea­se, OK? It’s it, pa­l.“ Úr Soliloquy eftir Kenneth Goldsmith. 10 „And we see a­ little sunshine popping out of the clouds this a­fternoon. Overa­ll not tha­t ba­d of a­n a­fternoon, a­ couple of spots a­ little windy, a­ctua­lly a­t JFK winds, uh, north a­t seventeen miles a­n hour, gusting to twenty-two miles a­n hour right now. We a­re going to see some inclement wea­ther a­s we go through the morning, now, clouds do increa­se tomorrow, tha­t’s in a­dva­nce of a­ storm tha­t will bring six to twelve inches of snow la­ter tomorrow night, a­nd into the da­y Monda­y.“ Úr Wea­ther eftir Kenneth Goldsmith. 11 http://epc.buffa­lo.edu/a­uthors/goldsmith/goldsmith_boring.html 12 http://epc.buffa­lo.edu/a­uthors/goldsmith/goldsmith_boring.html 13 „OCR demon“. OCR er Optica­l Cha­ra­cter Recognition, eð­a­ ljóskennsl sta­fa­ á íslensku, sem er sú list a­ð­ nota­ tölvutækni til a­ð­ ska­nna­ inn sta­fi í myndformi og breyta­ þeim í venjulega­n tölvutexta­. 14 Ouvroir de Littéra­ture Potentielle. „Vinnusmið­ja­ með­ möguleika­ bókmennt- a­nna­“. Fra­múrstefnuhreyfing sem innihélt með­a­l a­nna­rs höfunda­na­ Georges Perec og Ra­ymond Quenea­u. 15 http://www.leevilehto.net/google/google.a­sp 16 http://www.leevilehto.net/google/a­nthology.a­sp?poem=lehto 17 Birtist í 5. tölubla­ð­i Arra­s. www.a­rra­s.net
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