Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.11.1996, Blaðsíða 15
collected with a semi structured interview at four time points:
prior to surgery, on day 1 and day 3 post operatively and at
home on average 14 weeks post operatively. Pain was measured
by a 10 cm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), with anchor words
„no pain“ and „could not be worse“ at either end and a verbal
Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), where 0 equalled no pain and
10 worst imaginable pain. Additional information was
collected regarding duration of the pain experience; analgesic
effect; prior experience of pain and pain management; sleep
disturbance due to pain; patient’s evaluation of pain
assessment and pain education; patient’s satisfaction with the
pain management; demographic data; underlying disease and
surgery. The main findings were that the patients expected and
experienced considerable pain during their post operative
period. Approximately half of the patients experienced almost
no pain or no pain on day 1 and 3 post operatively, but at the
same time nearly 25% of them experienced constant or almost
constant pain. The worst mean pain experience at different
times ranged from 3,6 to 4,8; and 16,5% to 31,2% of the
patients experienced pain > 7 at some time. About one fourth
of the patients stated that they experienced considerable or
severe pain when discharged from the hospital and 16,8% still
had constant or almost constant pain when interviewed at
home. Overall the patients were pleased witli their pain
management. Despite the fact that 66% of the patients stated
that no one assessed the analgesic effect, about 35% stated
that the medication had provided only tolerable to no pain
relief, and only 6,5% of the patients received non-
pharmacologic interventions. The main conclusion from the
findings of this study indicate that the patients in this sample
did experienee needless pain and that the pain management
could be improved considerably.
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