Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.05.2000, Blaðsíða 54

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.05.2000, Blaðsíða 54
Third International Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery Manchester, Bretlandi 24.-28. júlí 2000 Netfang: Nursing2000@concorde- uk.com Heimasíða: www.nursing.man.ac/who/ International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care 11th International Conference on Cancer Nursing Ósló, Noregi 30. júlí - 3. ágúst 2000 Skiladagur útdrátta: 15. september 1999 Netfang: ICCN2000@healthcare.emap.uk 6th World Congress for Nurse Anesthetists Scientific Program - Bringing Together a World of Knowledge Chicago, lllinois, Bandaríkjunum 5.-10. ágúst 2000. 2nd International Health Care Conference Global Multidisciplinary Health Care into the 21 st Century Unisa, Suður-Afríku 14.-17. ágúst 2000 Heimasíða: www.unisa.ac.za/hcc Emergency Nursing 2000 and Beyond: An international conference to celebrate advances in emergency care Edinborg, Skotlandi 17.-20. ágúst 2000 Netfang: kathryn.clark@ren.org.uk Body Projects III: Imagining and (Re) Imagining Bodies in States of Health, Wellness and lllness 17.-20. ágúst 2000 Háskólinn í Saskatchewan Nordiska barnavárdskongressen Ábo, Finnlandi 23.-26. ágúst 2000 Netfang: lskl.toimisto@lastensuojelunkeskusliitto.fi Lacde 2000 International Conference of lacde Reykjavík, íslandi 27.-30. ágúst 2000 Netfang unnar@samband.is 118 The fourth International Congress on Thanatology and Suicidology Death, Dying and Suicide Stokkhólmi, Svíþjóð 28.-30. ágúst 2000 Skilafrestur útdrátta: 1. febrúar 2000 Netfang: stocon@stocon.se Heimasíða: www.his.ki.se/dds2000 Berzelius symposium 54 Medicine and the Media 31. ágúst - 1. september 2000 Stokkhólmi, Svíþjóð Netfang: sls@svis.se 3rd Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference Outcomes in Health Promotion: Key questions for Research and Policy Tampere, Finnlandi 6. -9. september 2000 Heimasíða: www.uta.fi/laitokset/tsph/conference International Scientific Conference Nursing and Quality of life Kraká, Póllandi 7. -9. september 2000 Sími, bréfasími ++48 12 421 40 10 Scientific Basis of Carcinogen Assessment: Quo Vadis? Naantali, Finnlandi 10.-15. september 2000 Heimasíða: www.niva.org Indicators for Monitoring and Surveillance of Health, Safety and Working Conditions Gautaborg, Svíþjóð 11 .-14. september 2000 Heimasíða: www.niva.org 8th International Nurse Practitioner Conference „Entering the New Millennium" San Diego, Kaliforníu, Bandaríkjunum 28. sept. - 1. október 2000 Heimasíða: www.aanp.org Netfang: conference@aanp.org The second Nordic conference on coercion and autonomy-ethics and mental illness Tváng och autonomi-etik vid psykisk sjukdom Vásterás, Svíþjóð 1 .-3. október 2000 Netfang: kerstin.rannar@ltvastmanland.se Risk Assessment and Risk Management of the Work Environment Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku 2.-6. október 2000 Heimasíða: www.niva.org 7th Nursing Research Conference Year 2000: Research, a challenge 10.-13. október 2000 Lissabon, Portúgal Global Institute for nursing and health Third Annual International Conference 13. október 2000 New York, Bandaríkjunum Safety Research Mustio, Finnlandi 15.-20. október 2000 Heimasíða: www.niva.org International Conference on Emerging Nursing Knowledge to build on Consensus Conference 1998 Boston, Massachusetts, Bandaríkjunum 19. -21. október 2000 1st International and 8th National Nursing Congress Belek Antalya, Tyrklandi 29. október - 2. nóvember 2000 Heimasíða: www.marun.edu.tr/hyo/kongre.2000.htm. Netfang hemsirelik@marun.edu.tr Current Trends in Research on Workrelated Musculoskeletal Disorders and their Prevention Gentofte, Danmörku 30. október -3. nóvember 2000 The Fourth European Parkinson’s Disease Association Conference The New Millennium - Working in Harmony Vín, Austurríki 9.-12. nóvember 2000 The leadership experience International Nursing Leadership Workshop San Diego, Kaliforníu 12.-17. nóvember 2000 Netfang: jlpo@xs4all.nl Quality Improvement in Nursing and Midwifery Oxford, Bretlandi 12.-17. nóvember 2000 Heimasíða: www.britishcouncil.org/networkevents Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga • 2. tbl. 76. árg. 2000
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Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

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