Tímarit um endurskoðun og reikningshald - 01.01.1976, Blaðsíða 45

Tímarit um endurskoðun og reikningshald - 01.01.1976, Blaðsíða 45
Consideration of the possibility of fraud in an audit In planning his exmination, the auditor considers the possibility that the financial statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud. The amount and kinds of evidential matter necessar)' to form an opinion are matters the auditor determi- nes by exercising his judgement as to the materiality of possible errors or irregula- rities, weaknesses in the internal control system, the susceptibility of a given item to conversion or misstatement and the kinds and competence of evidential mat- ter available. Auditing procedures may be varied in their nature, timing and extent in response to those factors. In regard to the materiality of possible irregularities, for example, frauds invol- ving accounts receivable collections or frauds involving overstatements of inven- tory could be material, but those invol- ving abstractions from a small imprest petty cach fund would normally be of little significance. Consideration of mate- riality, however, focuses on the effect of possible misstatements on the financial statements and not the source of misstate- ment. For example, in industrial and merchandising companies, inventories are usually af great importance to both fin- ancial position and results of operations and accordingly may require more at- tention by the auditor than would the in- ventories of a public utility company. The susceptibility of an item to irre- gularities and the need for more conclu- sive evidential matter may also affect the timing of auditing procedures for one or a number of accounts. For examp- le, cash transactions are more suscepti- able to irregularities than inventories, and the work undertaken on cash may have to be carried out in a more conclusive manner. The auditor also considers the possible need for simultaneous examina- tion of cash on hand and in banks, se- curities owned, bank loans and other re- lated items. The independent auditor’s evaluation of internal control has an important bea- ring on the selection, timing and extent of auditing procedures and significantly af- fects the consideration given in the ordin- ary examination to the possibility that fi- nancial statements may be misstated as a results of defalcations and similar irregu- larities versus deliberate management misrepresentations. The approach to defalcations. The in- dependent auditor does not actively se- arch for defalcations and similar irregul- arties. In the ordinary examination he at- tains satisfaction that financial statements are not inateriallv misstated as a result of defalcations through his study and evalua- tion of internal control. The auditor’s evulation of accounting control focuses on controls for preventing or detecting ma- terial errors and irregularities in financial statements. Errors are “unintentional mis- takes” and irregularities are “defalcations and intentional distortions of financial statements.” The independent auditor considers the types of errors and irregluarities that could occur and the control procedures 43 L
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Tímarit um endurskoðun og reikningshald

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