
Jökull - 01.12.2003, Side 54

Jökull - 01.12.2003, Side 54
Þorbjarnardóttir and Guðmundsson Table 1: Earthquakes felt in 2002 time latitude longitude *Mlw **Ml mb 20020129 070730.219 65.63940 -16.86470 1.96 1.96 20020201 204055.996 64.05502 -21.22188 3.50 3.15 20020221 013934.909 63.83001 -21.26507 3.15 2.98 20020301 020515.799 63.97683 -21.23606 2.75 2.57 20020406 223622.541 64.08354 -21.31849 3.43 3.02 20020410 174507.895 66.47377 -17.58992 2.83 2.98 20020427 072145.438 63.65787 -19.07634 3.25 3.28 4.3 20020524 003949.290 63.98468 -16.59221 2.33 2.08 20020916 184824.850 66.97527 -18.43660 5.25 4.96 5.5 20020916 185050.991 66.88854 -18.43155 3.02 3.33 20020917 124004.889 66.93153 -18.40207 3.38 3.99 4.3 20021021 030908.033 64.22314 -16.61146 3.21 3.20 20021115 222748.407 66.21027 -18.17465 2.95 3.33 * Local magnitude based on seismic moment * Local magnitude Figure 3. Epicenters (Ml > 1.7) beneath the Mýrdalsjökull glacier and the cumulative number of Ml > 1.7 earthquakes and strain release west of Goðabunga (western Mýrdalsjökull) from 1999 to 2002. This magnitude range represents a relevant comparison of the seismicity, since the detection level has been lowered during the last years. Triangles denote SIL seismic stations. Below, earthquake magnitude versus time for the same period. – Jarðskjálftakort (Ml > 1.7) af Mýrdalsjökli árin 1999 til 2002. Þríhyrningar eru SIL stöðvar. Línuritin til hægri sýna uppsafnaðan fjölda Ml > 1,7 jarðskjálfta og streitu undir Goðabungu ásamt stærð skjálftanna yfir sama tímabil. 52 JÖKULL No. 53, 2003



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