Fréttablaðið - 23.11.2018, Page 52

Fréttablaðið - 23.11.2018, Page 52
 Morgunverðarfundur - áætlanir Uppbyggingasjóðs EES í Rúmeníu, Grikklandi og Portúgal, 2014–2021 Grand Hotel, Gullteig B, mánudagurinn 3. desember n.k. 8:30-12:00 8:30 Attendance 9:00 Welcome remarks Hrund Hafsteinsdóttir, Minister Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs 9:15 The Energy Programme in Romania and other countries Anne Lise Rognlidalen, Programme Director, Innovation Norway 9:45 Renewable Energy, Romania, the past and the future Hanna B. Konráðsdóttir, Legal Adviser, Orkustofnun 10:00 Questions and Answers 10:15 Coffee 10:30 Development, Education, Innovation, SMEs, Green Industry and Blue Growth in Romania, Greece, Portugal and Slovakia Magnar Ødelien, Programme Director EEA and Norway Grants, Innovation Norway 11:00 Support for applicants at Rannís Kristmundur Þ. Ólafsson, Senior Adviser, Rannís 11:15 Questions and Answers 11:30 Practical issues on participating in EEA projects, applications, documents, etc. Anne Lise Rognlidalen & Magnar Ødelien 12:00 Closure of the meeting Moderator: Harpa Þ. Pétursdóttir, Acting Team Leader for EEA Grants, Orkustofnun 13:15 Technical follow up meeting on Energy Programme in Romania held in Orkustofnun Nánari upplýsingar á og Utanríkisráðuneyti @ N 4G ra fík 92.000 AÐ RAFBÍLL KÆMIST HRINGVEGINN SINNUM Á RAFMAGNINU SEM NÝ GLERÁRVIRKJUN FRAMLEIÐIR ÁRLEGA? 8 KYNNINGARBLAÐ VISTVÆN ÖKUTÆKI 2 3 -1 1 -2 0 1 8 0 4 :5 2 F B 0 9 6 s _ P 0 5 3 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 9 6 s _ P 0 5 2 K _ N Ý.p 1 .p d f F B 0 9 6 s _ P 0 4 4 K .p 1 .p d f F B 0 9 6 s _ P 0 4 5 K .p 1 .p d f A u to m a tio n P la te re m a k e : 2 1 7 D -4 5 0 4 2 1 7 D -4 3 C 8 2 1 7 D -4 2 8 C 2 1 7 D -4 1 5 0 2 7 5 X 4 0 0 .0 0 1 2 B F B 0 9 6 s _ 2 2 _ 1 1 _ 2 0 1 C M Y K



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