Rit Búvísindadeildar - 20.07.1996, Blaðsíða 41

Rit Búvísindadeildar - 20.07.1996, Blaðsíða 41
Growing Vegetables in the Open SUMMARY IN ENGLISH At Hvanneyri Agricultural College, experiments and observations have been carried out in horticulture since 1975. These trials have included comparative studies of properties of different vegetable varieties. The reader of this research report will notice that a distinction is made between experiments and observations. In this report, an experiment is defined as a study that includes, at least, two replicated tests for each variety or treatment. An observation, on the other hand, is a single study with no replicated tests. • The Cauliflower variety Opaal is very early, requiring only a 60-70 days' growth period. Middle early varieties, which gave good yield in 75-85 days, were Goodman, 14 Matra, and Montano. Fargo gave good yield after a growth period of 85-95 days. • The Sprouting Broccoli varieties Neptune, and Corvet gave few but fíne broccolis. Yield was acceptable in both cases. • Varieties of Cabbage which gave good yield after less than 80 days in the garden were: Delphi, Parel, Procura, and Tucana. Fry gave good results as well, but required more than 90 growing days in the garden at Hvanneyri. • It is easy to cultivate some varieties of Red Cabbage, either under polypropylene or in the garden. The varieties Intro, Primero, and Sint Pancras require a 90 day growth period in a garden. • Savoyer Cabbage has not been grown much in Iceland. The varieties Coxnparse, Promasa, and Wallasa are early enough to be cultivated under normal, Icelandic conditions, at least if the planLs are covered by a polypropylene fabric for the first few weeks. This also applies to Julius, which is a slightly later variety. • The growing season at Hvanneyri is not long enough for the Brussel Sprout varieties that were tiied. It is possible to keep the Brussel Sprout under polypropylene the first weeks after planting, but there is always a risk that wind and rain causes the polypropylene fabric to damage the plants as they grow taller. 35
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Rit Búvísindadeildar

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