Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Qupperneq 48

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Qupperneq 48
46 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR SUMMARY Samandregið yfirlit Gerð er grein fyrir niðurstöðum rann- sókna á erfðafylgni milli beinna áhrifa og móðuráhrifa á haustþunga lamba. Genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects for weaning weight of lambs JÓN VlÐAR JÓNMUNDSSON Búnaðarfélag Islands. The paper describes results of a study on the genetic correlation between direct and HEIMILDASKRÁ: Aðalstnnsson, S., 1966: Avkomsgransking av værer — metodikk NJF Fellesmöte pá Island, 3—8 august, 1966. Stensil. Aðalsteinsson, Stefán, 1971: Kynbótaeinkunn áa. ísl. landbún., 3,1: 28—38. Bradford, G. E., 1972: The role ofmaternal effects in animal breeding VII. Maternal effects in sheep. J. Anim. Sci., 35: 1324—1334. Chang, T. S.,og Rae, A. L., 1972: The geneticbasis of growht, reproduction, and maternal environ- ment in Romney ewes II. Genetic covariation between hogget characters, fertility, and mater- nal environment ofewe. Aust. J. Agric. Res., 23: 149—165. Eikje, E. D., 1975: Studies on sheep production records. VII. Genetic, phenotypic and environ- mental parameters for productivity traits ofewes. Acta Agric. Scand., 25: 242—252. Eisen, E.J., 1974: The laboratory mouse as a mammalian model for the genetics of growth. 1 st World Congress on Genetics applied to Livestock Production. 7th—llth October 1974, Madrid. 1-Plenary sessions: 467—492. Foulley, J. L., og Lefort, G., 1978: Méthodes destimation des effects directs et maternels en sélection animale. Anim. Génét. Sél. anim., 10: 475—496. Hallgrímsson, Sveinn, 1971: Niðurstöður athugana á arfgengi lifandi þunga og fallþunga lamba. Bú- fjárræktarráðstefna, 1971 3 bls. maternal effects for weaning weight of lambs. Obervations on the progenis of 3325 rams recorded in the Sheep Breeding Ass- ociations in Iceland were included. These rarns had sired a least ten lambs with weight records as well as at least ten daughters with production records. The correlation was estimated —0.43 as- suming that h2d=h2m=0.20. Hanrahan, J. P., 1976: Maternal effects and select- ion response with an application to sheep data. Anim. Prod., 22:359—369. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1971: Variasjonsársaker for haustvekt av lam og muligheter for seleksjon. Hovedoppgave NLH, 98s. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1977a: A study of data from the sheep recording associations in Iceland. I. Sources of variation in weight of lambs. Isl. landbún., 9,1:16—30. Jónmundsson,Jón Viðar, 1977b: A study of data from the sheep recording associations in Iceland II. Ewe production traits. Isl. landbún., 9,1:31—42. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, 1979: Einkunnir í búfjár- ræktarfélögunum. Handbók bænda, 29: 187—199. Jónmundsson, Jón Viðar, Aðalsteinsson, Stefán, og Steingrímsson, Jón Trausti, 1977: Ullarþungi áa og tengsl hans við aðra framleiðslueiginleika. Isl. landbún., 9,1:50—62. Koch, R. M, 1972: The role of maternal effects in animal breeding. VI. Maternal effects in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 35:1316—1323. Nitter, G., ogSchlote, IV., 1979: Maternal effects and ram evaluation E. A. A. P., Harrogate,July 1979, 4 bls. Robison, 0. W., 1979: The iníluence ofmaternal eff- ects on the efficiency of selection. E. A. A. P., Harrogate, July 1979, 8 bls.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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