Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Síða 52

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Síða 52
50 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR erk, 1979). In Iceland, where sheep AI services have been developed during the last 40 years (Dýrmundsson, 1977a), synchronization of oestrus with intravagi- nal pessaries, within the breeding season in December, has proved to be an inn- OUT-OF-SEASON BREEDING Breeding Icelandic ewes in summer for lambing in winter clearly necessitates the induction of oestrus and ovulation by ar- tiflcal means. In a small preliminary trial conducted at Hvanneyri Experimental Station in the spring of 1977, six dry (barren), noncyclic ewes, which were tre- ated with sheep pessaries for 13 days and injected with 750 i. u. of PMSG at pessary withdrawal, exhibited oestrus and were mated on 12 June. Only three (50%) of them produced lambs in the autumn, two with twins and one with quadruplets. Fo- ur comparable ewes which only received the pessary treatment failed to exhibit oestrus. Thus, as would be expected, a combined progestagen+PMSG treat- ovation of outstanding practical value (Dýrmundsson, 1977b). PMSG (500 i. u.) injected at pessary withdrawal raises the lambing rate substantially but is only used in a few flocks. Progestagen pessaries are seldom used for ewe lambs. ment was found to be necessary for out-of- season breeding. In the summer of 1979 the first out-of- season breeding trial, including both lact- ating (20) and dry (14) ewes, was cond- ucted at Gunnarsholt Farm aimed at pro- ducing marketable lambs for export in late winter. The lactating ewes had suckled lambs for 9—11 weeks when they were subjected to a hormonal treatment on 3 August. Then their lambs were weaned and progestagen pessaries (VERAMIX, Upjohn, U.K.) were inserted. All the ewes retained the pessaries and were injected intramuscularly at sponge withdrawal on 16 August with either 500 or 750 i. u. of PMSG (ANTEX LEO, Lövens, TABLE 1. Lambing rate in relation to PMSG treatment. Litter size (lambs) Number of ewes 500 i. u. PMSG 750 i. u. PMSG (n= 16) (n= 16) 0 ......................................................................... 4 3 1 ....................................................................... 4 6 2 ....................................................................... 5 6 3 ....................................................................... 3 1 Conception rate ............................... 75,0% 81,3% No. iambs born per ewe lambing ................ 1.92 1.62
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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