Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 53

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 53
OUT-OF-SEASON BREEDING 51 Denmark). All the ewes exhibited behavi- oural oestrus and were hand-mated with adult rams on 18 August. The ewes were housed and fed indoors from late November and lambing took place in early January 1980. Two ewes died, one soon after mating in August and another in November, and both were ex- cluded from the fertility data. Of 32 ewes some 80% lambed with 1.76 lambs born per ewe lambing. These fertility results indicated a lower conception rate out-of- season than generally recorded for Ice- landic ewes bred at the traditional time in winter. The lambing rate, however, was quite comparable. There were no clear RAM FERTILITY Icelandic rams are known to be early sex- ually maturing (DÝRMUNDSSON, 1978b) but detailed information is scant on sever- al aspects of their reproductive efFiciency. Although sporadic matings may occur out-of-season (Dýrmundsson, 1979) bre- eding activity is restricted by the farmer to only a few weeks in winter. Dýrmunds- son, Sigtryggsson and Thorsteinsson (1982) have recently established seasonal variation in testes diameter of adult Ice- TABLE 2. Mating performance of adult rams out-of-season. diíferences in reproductive performance as to whether the ewes had been dry or lactating before nrating. Regarding the two PMSG treatments Table 1 shows that conception rates were similar, 75 and 81%, but contrary to ex- pectations the number of lambs born per ewe lambing was 1.92 and 1.62 for 500 and 750 i. u. PMSG, respectively. Thus the higher dose of PMSG appeared to reduce prolificacy, most likely due to increased embryonic mortality. Certainly, in Ice- landic ewes, the lower dose appears to be suíficient to induce both oestrus and ovul- ation in conjunction with a progestagen treatment. landic rams with the lowest values in the spring and the highest in the autumn, indicating seasonal fluctuations in testic- ular function. However, no information is available in Iceland on the quantity and quality of ram semen at diíferent times of the year. Nevertheless, in the light of res- ults obtained in other countries (CouROT, 1979; Schanbacher, 1979) it is tempting to suggest that the lower conception rates of Icelandic ewes bred out-of-season may Test date No. tested No. mounted No. mated 12 June 1977 (Hvanneyri) ............................... 9 9 9 18 August 1979 (Gunnarsholt) ............................ 12 12 10 Total .................................... 21 21 19


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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