Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 56

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 56
54 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR I characteristics of Finnish Landrace and Scottish Blackface rams. Anim. Prod. 12 (4): 551—560. Lees,J. L., 1978. Functional infertility in sheep. Vet. Rec. 102: 232—236. Mauléon, P., 1979. Manipulation of the breeding cycle. In SHEEP BREEDING, 2nd edition, chapter 50, pp. 439—449. Ed. Tomes, G. J., Ro- bertson, D. E. and Lightfoot, R. J. Revised by Haresign, W.; BUTTERWORTHS. Robinson, T. J., 1979. Controlled breeding of sheep and goats. In SHEEP BREEDING, 2nd edition, chapter 49, pp. 423—437. Ed. Tomes, G. J., Ro- bertson, D. E. and Lightfoot, R. J. Revised by Haresign, W.; BUTTERWORTHS. Schanbacher, B. D., 1979. Increasedlambproduction with rams exposed to short daylengths during the nonbreeding season. J. Anim. Sci. 49 (4): 927—932. Schanbacher, B. D. and Lunstra, D. D., 1976. Seaso- nal changes in sexual activity and serum levels of LH and testosterone in Finnish Landrace and Suífolk rams.J. Anim. Sci. 43 (3); 644—650. Shackell, G. H., Kelly, R. W. and Allison, A. J., 1977. Seasonal variaion in libido of rams. N. Z. J1 exp. Agric.5: 121—122. Van Niekerk, C. H., 1979. Limitations. to female reproductive efTiciency. IN SHEEP BRE- EDING, 2nd edition, chapter 36, pp. 303—313. Ed. Tomes, G. J., Robertson, D. E. and Lightfo- ot, R. J. Revised by Haresign, W.; BUTTERW- ORTHS.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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