Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 58

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 58
56 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR MATERIAL AND METHODS Data were collected at Hestur Sheep Ex- perimental Farm (latitude 64° 34’N, longitude 21°40’W) frorn September 1977 to October 1979 on testis diameter and body weight of breeding rams at approx- imately three-monthly intervals, and on testis weight of rams slaughtered each autunrn. The rams were of the native Ice- landic breed, aged 1—6 years. The numb- ers of rams or measurements on which the reported findings were based, are stated in the respective results sections. The summer and autumn measurements were taken during the grazing season whereas in winter and spring the rams were confin- ed to housing and indoor feeding of hay supplemented with concentrates. The rams were all used for hand-mating on the farm over a period of 3-—4 weeks in late December and early January. In both ye- ars the rams were grouped in pens with slatted floors in the same building where large windows guaranteed natural day- RESULTS a) Estimation of testes weight Testes weights of25 adult rams slaughter- ed in October 1977 and 1979 were corre- lated with their respective testes diameter measurements taken before slaughter. The very highly significant relationship obtained (r=0.6216; P<0.001; D.F. =23) indicated that the in situ measurements of testes diameter gave a useful indirect estimate of testes weight. On the other hand, correlations between testes dia- meter and both age and body weight, using 65 autumn measurements, were of light conditions as much as possible. On the whole the feeding and management of the rams was according to general farm practice in Iceland and their healtn was satisfactory throughout the study. Testis diameter was measured to the nearest 1.0 mm with a pair of vernier calipers on the animal in a sitting position, always by the same operator. The largest diameter was recorded for each testis, taken approx- imately mid-way between the caput and cauda epididymidis with the scrotal skin included. The testicular parameters adopted in the statistical analysis were the pooled values for the left + right testes diameters of each ram (total testes dia- meter) and correspondingly, in the case of testicular weight, the sum of the left + the right testes and epididymides weight. Testicular and body weights were recor- ded to the nearest 0.1 g and 0.5 kg, resp- ectively. extremely low values and completely ins- ignificant. Moreover, a further study of the data failed to reveal any clear relat- ionships of that nature indicating that variation in testes diameter was largely independent of the age and the body weiglit of these adult rams. b) Changes in testes diameter Seasonal variation in testes diameter was evident, the pattern being very similar in both years as shown in TABLE 1, and this finding was substantiated by the results of


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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