Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 59

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 59
SEASONAL VARIATION IN TESTIS SIZE 57 TABLE 1. EfFect of season on testes diameter in two groups of adult rams (n=16 in each year). Season Date Mean (cm) S.D. Range AUTUMN .... 4 Oct. 1977 13.75 0.57 12.8—15.0 5 Oct. 1978 13.49 0.83 12.4—15.6 WINTER 19 Dec. 1977 13.18 0.72 11.7—14.4 4 Dec. 1978 13.19 0.75 12.0—14.9 SPRING 1 Apr. 1978 11.69 0.84 10.0—13.7 5Apr. 1979 11.13 0.80 9.8—12.5 SUMMER .... 29 June 1978 12.05 0.96 10.3—14.4 lOJuly 1979 12.23 0.67 11.2—13.8 AUTUMN .... 5 Oct. 1978 13.64 0.91 12.4—15.6 28 Sept. 1979 13.36 0.72 12.5—15.0 Fig. i. Seasonal variation in testes diameter in relation to daylength (10 rams for 24 months) Z 22 20 18 „ 16 £ "2 bO T. 10 ° 8 6 14 ! 3 12 3 2 1 0 Time of year 1979


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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