Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Side 62

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Side 62
60 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR þessum mælingum voru eistun 15% stærri eistna eftir árstíðum og hugsanleg tengsl á haustin en á vorin, að meðaltali. í álykt- við dagsbirtu, með hliðsjón af erlendum unum er fjallað um breytingar á stærð rannsóknarniðurstöðum á þessu sviði. REFERENCES — HEIMILDIR: Dýrmundsson, Ólafur R., 1973. Puberty and early reproductive performance of sheep. II. Ram lambs. Anim. Breed Abstr. 41 (9): 419—430. Dýrmundsson, Ólafur R., 1978a. Studies on the bre- eding season of Icelandic ewes and ewe lambs. J. agric. Sci., Camb. 90: 275—281. Dýrmundsson, Ólafur R., 1978b. A note on sexual development of Icelandic rams. Anim. Prod. 26: 335—338. Dýrmundsson, Ólafur R., 1979. Kynþroski og fengi- tími íslenska sauðfjárins. (Puberty and breeding activity of Icelandicsheep). Náttúrufræbingurinn 49 (4): 278—288. (English summary). Dýrmundsson, Ólafur R. and Aðalsteinsson, Stefán, 1980: Coat-color gene suppresses sexual activity in Icelandic sheep.J. Hered. 71: 363—364. Islam, A.B.M.M. and Land, R.B. 1977: Seasonal variation in testis diameter and sperm output of rams ofbreeds ofdiíferent prolificacy.dnzm. Prod. 25: 311—317. Knight, T.M., 1977: Methods for the indirect estim- ation of testes weight and sperm numbers in Merino and Romney rams. N.Z. // asr. Res. 20: 291—296. Lees,J.L., 1969: The reproductive pattern and perf- ormance of sheep. Outl. Agric. 6: 82—88. Lunstra, D.D. and Schanbacher, B.D., 1976: Seasonal changes in reproductive traits oframs.y Anim Sci. 43: 294 (Abstr. 322). Ortavant, R., 1977: Photoperiodic regulation ofrepr- oduction in the sheep. Proc. Symp. Management of Reproduction in Sheep and Goats, University of Wiscosin, Madison, July 24—25, 1977, pp. 58—71. Sanford, L.M., Beaton, D.B., Howland, B.E. and Palmer, W.M., 1978: Photoperiod - induced changes in LH, FSH, prolactin and testosterone secretion in the ram. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 58: 123—128. Schanbacher, B.D. and Ford,J.J., 1979: Photoperiodic reglulation of ovine spermatogenesis: Relations- hip to serum hormones. Biol. Reprod. 20: 719—726.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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