Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 79

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1981, Page 79
HEYMÆÐI f ÍSLENSKUM HESTUM 77 HEIMILDARRIT: REFERENCES: Ásmundsson, T., T. Jóhannesson & E. Gunnarsson: Respiratory frequency in the Icelandic horse. Eidfaxi 1981 (9), 14—15. Einarsson, M.: Dýralækningabókin (bls. 87), Reykjavík 1930. Gregory, P.H., & M.E. Lacey: Isolation of thermo- philic actinomycetes. Nature 1962, 195, 95. Gregory, P.H., & M.E. Lacey: Mycological examin- ation of dust from mouldy hay associated with farmer’s lung disease.J. Gen. Microbiol. 1963,30, 75—88. Hjaltalín, ].: Lækningabók um þá helstu kvilla í kvikfénaði (53.—54. bls.), Reykjavík, 1837. Lawson, G.H.K., E.A. McPherson, J.R. Murphy,J.M. Nicholson, J.M. Wooding, P. Breeze & H.M. Pirie: The presence of precipitating antibodies in the sera of horses with chronic obstructive pulm- onary disease (COPD). Equine Vet.J. 1979, 11, 172—176. Pálsson, S.: Islensk sjúkdómanöfn. Tímarit hins kon- unglega íslenska Irerdómslistafélags 1790, 9, 221. Pauli, B., H. Gerber & U. Schatzmann: „Farmer’s lung“ beim pferd.Pathologia et Microbiologia 1972, 38, 200—214. Pepys, J., & P.A. Jenkins: Precipitin (F.L.H.) test in farmer’s lung. Thorax 1965, 20, 21—35. Pepys,J., R.W. Riddel, K.M. Citron & Y.M. Clayton: Precipitins against extracts of hay and fungi in the serum of patients with farmer’s lung. Acta allerg. 1961, 16, 76—81. Pepys, J., R.W. Riddell, K.M. Citron & Y.M. Clayton: Precipitins against extracts of hay and moulds in the serum of patients with farmer’s lung, asperg- illosis, asthma and sarcoidosis. Thorax 1962, 17, 366—374. Pepys,J., P.A. Jenkins, G.N. Festenstein, G.N. Gregory, M.E. Lacey & F.A. Skinner: Farmer’s lung: Thermophilic actinomycetes as a source of „Farmer’s lung hay“ antigens. Lancet 1963, II, 607—611. Pétursson, ].: Um líkamlega viðkvæmni. Tímarit hins konunglega íslenska lœrdómslistafélags 1794, 13, 215—216.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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