Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1936, Blaðsíða 182
Public Health in íceland 1936. — A Summary.
1. In 1936 the climatic conditions were not favourable in north and
east Iceland, bnt milder in the south and south-west part of the
The atmospheric prcssure in the whole country was 0,8 mm. below
the average. The mean temperature of the air was 1,1° above the
average. The rainfall was 9% above the average.
1936 was a difficult year for the economic status of the people,
especially for the fishing industry. The economic depression was
mainly due to poor fishing and to the embarrassed circumstances of
trade in general. As a natural consequence unemployment was
2. Population, births and deaths. The population was on December
31st 1936: 116880 including Reykjavík 35300 (1935: 115870 and
34231). The marriage rate was 5,4 (6,2), the birtli rate 22,0 (22,1)
and the death rate Í0,8 (12,2) per 1000 inhabitants. lnfant mortalitg
was 46,9 (67,8) per 1000 born alive.
The death-rate was lower than in the preceding year, when it was
unusually high (12,2%c) owing to dangerous epidemics. The lowest
death-rate on record is 10,3%a (1933). The decrease of infant mor-
tality was especially notable, Iast year it was 67,8%c, but the lowest
figure ever registered was in 1933, ^2,3%c.x)
3. Causes of death are shown on pages 10—-12.
The ten following are the most common:
%c of Ycc of the
Number deaths population
Old Age 19G 156,4 1,7
Tuberculosis (all forms) 157 125,3 1,3
Cancer — Malignant Growths 149 118,9 1,3
Diseases of the Heart 110 87,8 0,9
Pneumonia (lobar and lobular) 102 81,4 0,9
Apoplexv 102 81,4 0,9
Accidents (all forms) 84 67,0 0,7
Measles 55 43,9 0,5
Premature Birth and Debility of Newborn . 43 34,3 0,4
Nephritis 23 18,4 0,2
Other and Unknown Causes 232 185,2 2,0
1) Corrected figure.