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‘The development of /r/ in Fía’s language acquisition’
Keywords: phonetic/phonological acquisition, trills/flaps/taps/approximants, phonolog-
ical processes, sound substitution/deletion/assimilation, gradual development
This paper describes the development of the speech sound /r/ in the language acquisition
of an Icelandic girl, Fía, who was followed longitudinally from the age of nine months
(0;09:03) to the age of four years, three months (4;03:07). First language acquisition stud-
ies have revealed that /r/ is one of the most difficult sounds for young children all over the
world to acquire and produce accurately and fluently. Thus, it should be of considerable
interest to both linguists and speech pathologists to read a detailed account of how adult
Icelandic alveolar trill [r]/[] develops in the language of a young Icelandic child over a
three and a half year period.
Þróun /r/ í máltöku Fíu 75