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‘The syntax of adverbial clauses in Icelandic and Faroese’
Keywords: word order, adverbial clauses, main clause phenomena, embedded topicaliza-
tion, verb placement, Insular Scandinavian, Icelandic, Faroese
This paper provides an overview of the syntax of adverbial clauses in Icelandic and Faroese
in terms of whether they do or do not allow so-called main clause phenomena like topical-
ization. The classification of adverbial clauses follows the typology of Haegeman (2012)
where adverbial clauses are divided into two classes: central adverbial clauses (CACs) that
resist main clause phenomena and peripheral adverbial clauses (PACs) that may permit
such phenomena (XP-fronting etc.). Examples of each type are shown in (i)–(ii):
(i) CAC (temporal)
*María sótti tíma á meðan ÞÍNA bók voru þeir að nota
Mary attended classes while your book were they using
en ekki á meðan MÍN var notuð.
but not while mine was used
‘Mary attended classes while they were using your book but not while they were
using mine.’
(ii) PAC (contrast)
?Á meðan ÞÍNA bók eru þeir að nota í tveimur námskeiðum
while your book are they using in two courses
hafa þeir ekki einu sinni pantað MÍNA.
have they not even ordered mine
‘While they are using your book in two courses they haven’t even ordered mine.’
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