Fræðaþing landbúnaðarins - 13.02.2009, Page 339
Greinin er byggð á hluta af ritgerð Hafdísar Sturlaugsdóttur til M.Sc. í Náttúru og
Umhverfísfræðum við Landbúnaðarháskóla íslands vorið 2008 (Hafdís
Sturlaugsdóttir, 2008). Rannsóknin fékk fjárhagslega stuðning frá Framleiðnisjóði
landbúnaðarins, Blikastaðasjóði og frá Framkvæmdasjóði búvörusamninga.
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avoidance behaviour of lambs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 105, 122-139.
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DUMONT, B. & PETIT, M. (1998) Spatial memory of sheep at pasture. Applied Animal Behaviour
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female dominance rank. Animal Behaviour, 42, 71-82.
HAFDÍS STURLAUGSDÓTTIR (2008). Félagshegðun venjulegs fjár og forystufjár. Móðuratferli,
tengslamyndun og samheldni í sumarhögum. Óbirt M.Sc. ritgerð. Náttúm-og umhverfisdeild
Landbúnaðarháskóla íslands, 100 s.
HINCH, G. N„ LYNCH, J. J„ ELWIN, R. L. & GREEN, G. C. (1990) Long-term associations between
Merino ewes and their offspring. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 27, 93-103.
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LAWRENCE, A. B. & WOODGUSH, D. G. M. (1988) Home-range behavior and social-organization
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assess spatial leaming and memory in Merino sheep. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 96, 43-51.
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familiarization and methods of assessment. Animal Behaviour, 65, 1109-1115.
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interactions in the survival of offspring in domestic mammals. Reviews of Reproduction, 5, 153-163.
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