Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 33

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Síða 33
XXXI 3) RS has a number of common abbreviations which have been resolved without this being specially indicated, viz. a. = autem 516, 623-28, 829, 913, 1332, 1531; Chri (overscored) = Christi 420-21-22, 510, 830-33, 1 o3; n. = enim 831, 1823 ; v. = vero 52, 7910. Other cases are marked by a parenthesis (p. g29, 194), or the abbreviation is retained. 4) For 6 or o, an 0 has been introduced, as in the printed books of the period. 5) The æ of the manuscripts is altered to æ in the following cases: various forms of cæpi 419, 511, 630, 813-29-35 ; Diæcesin 1629; fædus 1 o11; fcetore 331. The oe of the manuscript has been altered to æ (only in HR, and there as a rule only in 16, æ in the other manuscripts) : various forms of ceteri (written with æ 2710, 2g22, 3524) 265, 2812, 3235, 331-3, 3433, 374; cædibus 2716; sæpe and sæpius 3221, 332?j 379- 6) The division into numbered sections has been made by the editor to facilitate the comparison of the two treatises with each other and with the text of Hondius. Finally I wish to express my grateful acknowledgements to the Arnamagnæan Commission for having incorporated this book in the Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana and caused the introduction and notes to be translated into English. The translation has been done by Miss Annie I. Fausbøll M.A. My special thanks are due to the editor of the present series, Professor J6n Helgason, who has looked through my manuscript and given me much valuable advice.
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