Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Side 72

Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1943, Side 72
NOTES In the notes each section in both treatises is dealt with separately. References are made to the treatises by the numbers of the pages and by the letters RS = Responsio subitanea, and HR = Historica de rebus Islandica relatio, Hondius = the description of Hondius in the introduction pp. XII—XVI. § 1. Both treatises follow Arngrimur Jonsson (and the Sturlu- bok’s redaction of the Landnåmabok) in the sequence of the first discoverers of Iceland. When RS quotes “annales” on p. 311, histori- cal sources in general are meant, or reproductions of them by Am- grimur; cf. the statement about his Latin translation of annales and monumenta p. 323'27, just as direct reference is also made to Crymo- gæa for further information. RS shows its dependence on Arngrimur by the use of the name form Naddocus (3“), which is only known from the writings of Arngrimur (Brevis comm. p. Jv, Crymogæa 9-10, Specimen 1), but not from any now extant manuscript of the Landnåmabåk. HR does not quote Arngrimur but, on the other hånd, gives nothing new beyond his writings except the name-form Nadoddus (235), which, however, shows the direct use of manuscripts. The same appears from the reference to the Landnåmabok and Chronica Olai Tryggonii, i.e. the great Saga of Olaf Tryggvason (2312"13). That Bishop Brynjolfur knew the Landnåmabok is attested by the Landnåma-manuscripts AM 105 fol. and 107 fol. which were copied for the bishop by Jon Erlendsson (see Kålund’s catalogue). Olaf Tryggvason’s Saga Brynjolfur must have known from the Flateyjar- bok which came into his possession in the year 1647, after he had previously had it on loan. (Cf. Flateyjarbok I, 1860, p. 248). § 2. For the entire discussion about the Thule problem the reader is referred to borv. Thoroddsen, Lfrs. I 1-13 (= Gesch. I


Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana

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