Lögberg - 30.07.1953, Blaðsíða 16

Lögberg - 30.07.1953, Blaðsíða 16
16 LÖGBERG, FIMMTUDAGINN, 30. JÚLÍ, 1953 Hér getur að líta hið nýja og fullkomna heimkynni, sem félag vort lét reisa hér í borginni í fyrra og nú er starfrækt að fullu; er það búið öllum þeim nýjustu tækjum, sem nauðsynleg eru til úflutnings fyrsta flokks fiskafurða. KEYSTONE fyiibesUeA. JUmiÍed G. F. JÓNASSON, eigandi og forstjóri j 60 Louise Street Sími 92-5227 WINNIPEG, Manítoba POWER jjQSi tlie GomnUMutif, . . . City Hydro extends best wishes to the lcelandic Community in Winnipeg on this important Anniversary occasion. The lcelandic people in Winnipeg have long been strong supporters of City Hydro, knowing that it is owned and operated by the City of Winnipeg. For over forty years, City Hydro has provided dependable, low-cost electric service anywhere in the City of Winnipeg. When you need electric service for your new home or for new business premises, City Hydro can supply you if the location is any- where in the City of Winnipeg . . . Just phone 96-8231 for prompt attention. A FEW FACTS ABOUT CITY HYDRO City Hydro has two power plants on the Winnipeg River at Pointe du Bois, 105,000 horsepower, and Slave Falls, 96,000 horse- power. In Winnipeg, City Hydro has a steam plant at Amy Street on the west bank of the Red River, two terminal stations, eleven substations and four hundred miles of distribution lines. City Hydro also operates the Winnipeg Street Lighting System and the Central Steam ■■ ■ * Heating and Standby plant. The total investment in property and plant now amounts to $43,000,000.00. The funded debt outstanding is $19,000,000.00. The average domestic rate for electricity is less than one cent per kilowatt hour. The average annual domestic consumption per customer is now 6,891 kilowatt hours, believed to be the highest on the North American continent. CITY HYDRO Offices: 55 PRINCESS STREET Showrooms: PORTAGE ond KENNEDY



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