Bókasafnið - 01.03.1982, Blaðsíða 2

Bókasafnið - 01.03.1982, Blaðsíða 2
EFNI Bls. Ritstjómargrein ...................................... 3 Bókavörður og bókafulltrúi — viðtal við Hagalín .. 4 Herborg Gestsdóttir: Ávarp, flutt á afmælishátíð Bókavarðafélags íslands, 6. september 1980 .... 11 Kristín H. Pétursdóttir: Um Þjónustumiðstöð bóka- safna ............................................. 13 Villy Rolst: Skipulag bókasafna ...................... 15 Olav Zakariassen: Hlutur almenningsbókasafna í menningar- og upplýsingamiðlun .................... 19 Þórir Ragnarsson: Samstarfsnefnd um upplýsinga- mál — yfirlit um starfsemina 1/8 1979 — 31/12 1981 ...................................... 21 Almenningsbókasöfn 1979 .................. 22 Frá NORDINFO .............................. 35 Á forsíðu: Uppdráttur fslands með merktum almennings- bókasöfnum, í skrifstofu bókafulltrúa ríkisins. 6. tbl. frá upphafi. ENGLISH SUMMARY Editorial ................................................. 3 An interview with author Guðmundur G. Hagalín, who has been particularly influential in the development of public libraries in Iceland. He describes his interest in books and libraries when he was a young man and his work as Chief Librarianof the ísafjörður Public Library in 1929—1946. He goes on to discuss the public libraries legislation of 1955, but he investigated the conditions of public libraries before the Bill became law and made important contri- butions to its drafting. Subsequently he became Director of Public Libraries, a post he held until 1969. During that time he introduced numerous innovations and reforms in the workings and organization of public libraries ...... 4 Herborg Gestsdóttir: An address given at a banquet on the occasion of the anniversary of the Icelandic Library As- sociation on Septemberó, 1980. A lighthearted discussion of libraries and librarians of the past, the origin of the Icelandic Library Association and its subsequent devel- opment ................................................. 11 Kristín H. Pétursdóttir: On the Icelandic Library Bureau. The Icelandic Library Bureau was set up in 1978 and was opened in 1979. It is a self-supporting concem owned by the Icelandic Library Association and the Association of Professional Librarians. The Icelandic Library Bureau aims at providing the libraries in the country with differ- ent kinds of services like similar bureaux do in neigh- bouring countries. The various services are now at differ- ent stages of development. The most extensive service was from the beginning the central cataloguing of Icelandic publications, which is offered in co-operation with the National Department of the National Library of Iceland. In the future the Library Bureau is expected to become part of the National Centre for Educational Materials. . 13 Villy Rolst: The organization of libraries. H. Faulkner- Brown’s principles of library organization and the main outlines of such an organization are discussed as well as the contribution of libraries to society in general..... 15 Olav Zakariassen: The part played by public libraries in the disseminaúon of culture and information. The co-oper- ation of libraries in this field and a description of how it has been established in Norway......................... 19 Þórir Ragnarsson: The Icelandic Committee for Information — a review of its activities 1/8 1979 — 31/12 1981. The committee was appointed in 1979 by the Minister of Education. The main duty of the committee is to advise in the field of information and to encourage co-operation between libraries ánd institutions in that field as well as to further contacts with foreign and intemational organ- izations that are concemed with information work. The most important tasks of the committee during the period are described.......................................... 21 Public libraries 1979. In 1979 there were 247 public libraries on record in Iceland. A new public libraries legislation came into effect in 1976, the local councils becoming fully responsible for the building and running of libraries. Some of the councils have done well — others less so. For the benefit of public libraries the country is now divided into forty districts, each having a central library respon- sible for services to other libraries in the district, but none of them is at present able to offer the services required by law. A committee appointed by the Minister of Education is now working on comprehensive proposals for the development of public libraries........................ 22 News from NORDINFO. NORDINFO is a Nordic insti- tution in the field of research libraries and information service. It was set up in 1977 and is located in Finland. NORDINFO is to promote work in this field and distrib- utes money granted by the Nordic Council of Ministers for this purpose. NORDINFO has recently started to publish a series describing projects its supports. The first numbers are being described here.......................... 35 Front cover: A map of Iceland showing public libraries in Iceland. BÓKASAFNIÐ is published by the Director of Public Libraries, The Library Association and the Association of Professional Librarians. Address: BÓKASAFNIÐ — P.O. Box 7050 — 127 Reykjavík — Iceland. 2



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