Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 01.09.2001, Page 55

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 01.09.2001, Page 55
(blitnliu TÍMAMÓTABlLL Meðaleyðsla 6,11 1.095.000,- SUZUKI BILAR HF Skeifunni 17. Simi 568 51 00. Þú nærð alltaf sambandi við okkur! © 550 5000 alla virka daga kl. 9-22 sunnudaga kl. 16-22 dvaugl@ff.is hvenær sólarhringsins sem er 550 5000 Vertu snillingur f þínu eigin eldhúsi oiitalia Ekta ítölsk ólífuolía LAUGARDAGUR 1. SEPTEMBER 2001 DV Tilvera Sunnudagur 2. septembei ¥4 fM 09.00 Morgunsjónvarp barnanna. 09.02 Disneystundin. 09.55 Eyjan hans Nóa (4:13). 10.22 Babar (9:65). 10.45 Tsitsi (2:5). e. 10.55 Kastljósiö. 11.20 Formúla 1. Bein útsending. 14.15 Skjáleikurinn. 16.05 Sjónvarpskringlan 16.20 Maöur er nefndur. e. 17.00 Geimferöin (12:26) 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Billy (Billy). e. 18.15 Jaröarberjahæö (2:6). 18.22 Hænuegg (12:13) (Hönsegg). 18.30 Unda lærir aö synda (3:3.) 19.00 Fréttir, iþróttir og veður. 19.35 Deiglan. 20.00 Endurreisnin og almúginn (1:3). 20.55 Fréttir aldarinnar 1979. 21.10 Fyrr og nú (16:22) (Any Day Now II). 21.55 Helgarsportiö. Umsjón: Geir Magn- ússon. 22.20 8Q kona (8Q Women) 00.20 Útvarpsfréttir í dagskrárlok. SkjarEinn 12.00 Yoga. 12.30 CBS - special news. 13.30 Stark Raving Mad. 14.00 The Practice (e). 15.00 Malcolm in the Middle (e). 15.30 Providence. 16.30 Innllt-Útlit. 17.30 Judging Amy. 18.30 Fólk - meö Sirrý. 19.30 Dateline. Einn vinsælasti fréttaskýringaþáttur heims. Nokkrir af frægustu fréttamönnum Bandaríkjanna kafa ofan í málefni dagsins meö sannleikann einan aö leiöarljósi. 20.30 King of Queens. Bandarísk gamanþáttaröð um Doug Hefferman, sendil í New York sem gerir ekki miklar kröfur til lífsins. 21.00 The Practice. The Practice er meö vinsælustu sjónvarps- 06.00 08.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 00.50 02.20 04.00 Þey, þey (Hush). Winchell. Partísvæöiö (Party Camp). Maöurinn sem vissi of lítiö Wlnchell. Partísvæölö (Party Camp). Maöurinn sem vissi of lítið Undraland Guöfaöirinn (The Godfather). Þín einlæg (Dearly Devoted). Þey, þey (Hush). Undraland (Next Stop, Wonder- land). 08.00 Barnatími Stöövar 2. 12.00 Sjónvarpskringlan. 12.15 Mótorsport 2001 (e). 12.40 í háloftunum II. 1982. 14.15 Bíll 54, hvar ertu? 1994. 15.45 Oprah Winfrey (e). 16.30 Nágrannar. 18.30 Fréttir. 19.00 ísland í dag. 19.30 Jonathan Creek (15:18). 20.25 Winslow strákurinn (The Winslow Boy). Þessi vandaöa breska mynd fjallar um átök innan Winslow-fjöl- skyldunnar. 1999. 22.10 Ófegruö fortíð (3:6). 23.05 Heitt í kolunum (Mercury Rising). Aöalhlutverk: Alec Baldwin, Bruce Willis, Miko Hughes. Leikstjóri: Harold Becker. 1998. Stranglega bönnuö börnum. 00.55 Noröur og niöur (9:10) (e) (The Lakes). Lucy vitnar í eigin kærumáli og uppljóstrar miklu leyndarmáli, en skyldi hún vera aö segja sannleik- ann? 01.35 ísland í dag. 02.00 Tónlistarmyndbönd frá Popp TíVí 17.15 Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.30 Hestar 847. 18.00 Meistarakeppni Evrópu. 19.00 Einkaspæjarinn (1:14) (Della- ventura). 20.00 Golfmót í Bandaríkjunum. 21.00 Garöurinn hernuminn (The Park Is Mine). Stórgóö mynd meö Tommy Lee Jones í hlutverki Mitch sem er nýkominn heim eftir aö hafa barist fyrir hönd fööurlands síns í Ví- etnamstríðinu. 1985. Stranglega bönnuö börnum. 22.40 Járnkrossinn (Cross of Iron). Sögu- sviö myndarinnar er seinni heims- styrjöldin áriö 1943. Aöalhiutverk: James Coburn, Maximilian Schell, James Mason, David Warner, Senta Berger. Leikstjóri: Sam Peckinpah. 1977. Stranglega bönnuö börnum. 00.50 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. nMÍ/M5 00.00 Taumlaus tónlist. 15.00 3-bíó. 16.30 Geim tv. 17.00 5-bíó. 18.00 100%. 18.30 Geim tv. 19.00 7- bíó. 19.03 Heitt. 20.03 Meiri músík. 20.30 Geim tv. 21.00 9-bíó. 21.03 íslenski poppiistinn. 21.03 Melri músík. 22.30 Geim tv. 23.00 11-bíó. 23.10 Taumlaus tónlist. Aðrar stöðvar SKY NEWS 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 The Book Show 11.00 SKY News Today 12.30 Fashion TV 13.00 SKY News Today 13.30 Showbiz Weekly 14.00 News on the Hour 14.30 Technofilextra 15.00 News on the Hour 16.00 Live at Five 17.00 News on the Hour 18.30 Sportsline 19.00 News on the Hour 19.30 The Book Show 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 Showblz Weekly 21.00 SKY News at Ten 22.00 News on the Hour 23.30 CBS Evening News 0.00 News on the Hour 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 Technofilextra 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 The Book Show 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 Week in Review 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 CBS Evening News VH-1 10.00 So 80s 11.00 Solid Gold Hits 13.00 VHl Smooth Classics Weekend 17.00 Solid Gold Hits 18.00 Ten of the Best - Isaac Hayes 19.00 Rhythm & Clues 20.00 Behind the Music - The Mamas & the Papas 21.00 Pop Up Video - Love Sick Edition 21.30 Pop Up Video 22.00 VHl Classics Rock Weekend 2.00 Non Stop Video Hits TCM 18.00 Meet Me in St Louis 20.00 An American in Paris 22.00 Easter Parade 23.45 Pennles from Hea- ven 1.45 Meet Me in St Louis CNBC EUROPE 10.00 cnbc Sports 12.00 CNBC Sports 14.00 Market Week 14.30 Wall Street Journal 15.00 Europe This Week 15.30 Asia Market Week 16.00 Meet the Press 17.00 Time and Again 17.45 Dateline 18.30 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 19.15 Late Nlght With Conan O'Brien 20.00 Late Nlght With Conan O'Brlen 20.45 Leno Sketches 21.00 CNBC Sports 22.00 CNBC Sports 23.00 CNBC Asia Squawk Box 1.00 Market Week 1.30 Europe This Week 2.00 Asia Market Watch EUROSPORT 11.00 Supersport: World Champ- ionship in Monza, Itaiy 12.00 Motocross: Worid Champlonshlp in Teutschental, Germany 13.00 Eurosport Super Radng Weekend in Sllverstone, United Klngdom 13.30 Eurosport Super Raclng Week- end In Sllverstone, Unlted Kingdom 16.00 Cycllng: Tourflf Romandy - Swltzerland 17.00 Tennis: WTA To- urnament In Berlln, Germany 18.15 Superblke: World Champlonship in Monza, Italy 19.15 News: American News 19.30 Nascar: Wlnston Cup Series In Rlchmond, Virglnla, USA 21.00 News: Eurosportnews Report 21 15 All sports: WATTS 21.45 Eurosport Super Raclng Weekend in Silverstone, United Kingdom 23.00 News: Amerlcan News 23.15 News: 06.00 Morgunsjónvarp. 10.00 Robert Schuller. 11.10 Jimmy Swaggart. 14.00 Benny Hinn. 14.30 Joyce Meyer. 15.00 Ron Phillips. 15.30 Pat Francis. 16.00 Freddie Filmore. 16.30 700-klúbburinn 17.00 Samverustund. 19.00 Believers Christian Fellowship. 19.30 Pat Francis. 20.00 Vonarljós. 21.00 Blandaö efni. 21.30 700-klúbburinn. 22.00 Robert Schuller. 23.00 Ron Philips. 23.30 Jimmy Swaggart. 00.30 Nætursjónvarp. Eurosportnews Report 23.30 Ciose HALLMARK 11.00 Finding Buck Mchenry 12.50 The Runaway 15.00 Llve Through This 16.00 Run the Wild Fields 18.00 Sarah, Plain and Tall 19.40 Champagne Charlie 21.20 Champagne Charlie 0.25 Journey to the Center of the Earth 2.00 Journey to the Center of the Earth 4.00 The Runaway CARTOON NETWORK 10.00 Dragonball Z 10.30 Gundam Wing 11.00 Tenchi Universe 11.30 Batman of the Future 12.00 Ned’s Newt - Superchunk 14.00 Scooby Doo 14.30 Dexter's Laboratory 15.00 The Powerpuff Girls 15.30 Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy 16.00 Angela Anaconda 16.30 Cow and Chicken ANIMAL PLANET 10.00 Quest ll.OO Zoo Chronicles 11.30 Zoo Chronicles 12.00 Croc Rles 12.30 Croc Files 13.00 O’Shea’s Big Adventure 13.30 O'Shea's Big Adventure 14.00 The New Adventures of Black Beauty 14.30 The New Adventures of Black Beauty 15.00 Pet Project 15.30 Pet Project 16.00 Keepers 16.30 Vets on the Wildside 17.00 Wildlife ER 17.30 Wild Rescues 18.00 Zoo Chronicles 18.30 Parklife 19.00 Animal X 19.30 Animal X 20.00 Keepers 20.30 Vets on the Wildside 21.00 Wildlife ER 21.30 Wild Rescues 22.00 Extreme Contact 22.30 Aquanauts 23.00 Close BBC PRIME 10.00 Ready, Steady, Cook 10.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 11.30 Style Challenge 12.00 Doctors 12.30 EastEnders Omnibus 14.00 Dear Mr Barker 14.15 Playdays 14.35 Very Important Party 15.00 The Chronicles of Narnia 15.30 The Chronlcles of Narnia 16.00 The Antiques Show 16.30 Antiques Roadshow 17.00 Gardeners' World 17.30 Casualty 18.30 Parkinson 19.30 The Passion 21.00 The Hum- an Body 22.00 Between the Lines 23.00 Learning Hi- story: Ancient Voices: The Great Rood 4.30 Learning English: Teen English Zone 11 MANCHESTER UNITED TV 16.00 This Week On Reds @ Rve 17.00 Red Hot News 17.30 Watch This if You Love Man U! 18.30 Reserve Match Highlights 19.00 Red Hot News 19.30 Premier Classic 21.00 Red Hot News 21.30 Masterfan NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10.00 Congo In the Bronx 11.00 The Golden Dog 12.00 Wolves of the Sea 13.00 Whale’s Tale 14.00 Mystery 15.00 Social 09.00 Fréttir. 09.03 Tónaljóð. 10.00 Fréttir. 10.03 Veöurfregnir. 10.15 Borgin í höföinu. 11.00 Guösþjónusta. 12.00 Dagskrá sunnudagsins. 12.20 Hádegisfréttir. 12.45 Veöurfregnir. 13.00 Rás eitt klukkan eitt. 14.00 Hetjur um héruö Vestfjaröa. 15.00 í söngvanna ríki. 16.10 Sumartónleikar evrópskra útvarps- stööva. 17.55 Auglýsingar. 18.00 Kvöldfréttir. 18.25 Auglýsingar. 18.28 Samtíningur. 18.52 Dánarfregnir og auglýsingar. 19.00 íslensk tónskáld - Áskell Másson. 19.30 Veðurfregnir. 19.40 Þjóöarþel - Örnefni. 20.00 Óskastundin. 21.00 Lestrar liöinnar viku úr Víösjá. 22.00 Fréttlr. 22.10 Veöurfregnir. 22.15 Orö kvöldsins. Hildur Gunnarsdóttir flytur. 22.30 Til allra átta. Tónlist frá ýmsum heimshornum._ Umsjón: Sigríöur Stephensen. (Áöur í gærdag) 23.00 Frjálsar hendur. Umsjón: lllugi Jök- ulsson. 00.00 Fréttir. 00.10 Útvarpaö á samtengdum rásum til morguns. fm 90,1/99,9 9.03 Spegill, spegill. 10.03 Stjörnuspegill. 11.00 Úrval dægurmálaútvarps. 12.20 Hádeg- isfréttir. 13.00 Sunnudagslæriö. 15.00 Sunnu- dagskaffi. 16.00 Fréttir. 16.08 Rokkland. 18.00 Kvöldfréttir. 18.28 Hálftími meö 200.000 Naglbítum. 19.00 Tónar. 20.45 Lýsing frá leik Makedóníu og islands. 22.10 Tengja. 24.00 Fréttir. ' fm 98,9 09.00 Anna Kristine. UjÖÖ Hajðr Freyr. 12.00 Darri Ólafsson. 16.00 Halldór Backman. 19.00 Fréttir. 20.00 Henný Árnadóttir. 01.00 Nætur- útvarp. 11.00 Ólafur. 15.00 Hemmi Andri. 23.00 Reynir. EE3 fm 94,3 11.00 Sigurður P. Haröars. 15.00 Guðríöur „Gurri" Haralds. 19.00 íslenskir kvöldtónar. 10.00 Bachstundin (2:5). 22.00 Bachstundin (e). fm 95,7 07.00 Hvati og félagar. 11.00 Þór Bæring. 15.00 Svali. 19.00 Heiðar Austmann. 22.00 Rólegt og rómantískt. ^ 10.00 Effedrín. 14.00 i messu hjá Stormsker. 17.00 Topplisti Steríó. 22.00 Toggi Magg. 01.00 Playlisti. Climblng 16.00 Congo in the Bronx 17.00 The Golden Dog 18.00 Taekwondo 19.00 Born for the Flght 20.00 Kendo's Gruelllng Challenge 21.00 Hot Sclence 22.00 The Science of Sex 23.00 Trlbal People 0.00 Born for the Fight 1.00 Close DISCOVERY 10.45 Why Buildings Collapse 11.40 World War III 13.25 Ultimate Guide 14.15 Body Within Us 15.10 Super Structures 16.05 Journeys to the Ends of the Earth 17.00 Wood Wizard 17.30 Cookabout Canada with Greg & Max 18.00 Crocodile Hunter 19.00 The People’s Century 20.00 Unwrapped 21.00 Unwrapped 22.00 Unwrapped 23.00 Forensic Detectives 0.00 Planet Ocean 1.00 New Discoveries 2.00 Close MTV NORTHERN EUROPE 9.00 mtv s Science of Sound Weckend 14.00 MTV Data Videos 15.00 Total Request 16.00 News Weekend Edition 16.30 Ultrasound 17.00 Bytesize 18.00 Hlt Ust UK 19.00 Dance Floor Chart 20.00 MTV Llve 21.00 Fashionably Loud 22.00 Amour 23.00 Sunday Night Music Mix CNN 10.00 World News 10.30 World Sport 11.00 World Report 12.00 World News 12.30 Inside Africa 13.00 World News 13.30 World Sport 14.00 World News 14.30 This Week in the NBA 15.00 Late Edition 16.00 World News 16.30 Business Unusual 17.00 World News 17.30 Inside Europe 18.00 World News 18.30 CNN Hotspots 19.00 World News 19.30 CNNdotCOM 20.00 World News 20.30 World Sport 21.00 CNN This Morning Asia 21.30 Asia Business Morning 22.00 CNN This Morning 22.30 Asla Buslness Morning 23.00 CNN This Morning Asia 23.30 Science and Technology Week 0.00 Larry Klng Weekend 1.00 World News 1.30 Dlplomatic Ucense 2.00 World News 2.30 This Week in the NBA 3.00 CNN This Moming 3.30 World Business This Morning FOX KIDS NETWORK 10.20 Walter Melon 10.45 The Three Friends and Jerry 11.10 Camp Candy 11.30 Princess Sissi 11.55 Usa 12.05 Uttle Mermaid 12.30 Usa 12.35 Sophle & Virgine 13.00 Breaker High 13.20 Oggy and the Cockroaches 13.40 Super Mario Brothers 14.00 The Magic School Bus 14.30 Pokémon 14.50 NASCAR Racers 15.15 The Tlck 15.40 Jim Button 16.00 Camp Candy 16.20 Dennls 16.45 Eek the Cat Einnig næst á Breiöbandinu: MUTV (Sjónvarpsstöö Manchester United), ARD (þýska ríkissjónvarpiö), ProSieben (þýsk afþreyingarstöö), RaiUno (ítalska ríkissjónvarpiö), TV5 (frönsk menningarstöö) og TVE (spænska ríkissjónvarpiö).


Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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