

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1977, Blaðsíða 52

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1977, Blaðsíða 52
sure swarm which is made up of 12 erup- íion sites with tholeiite lavas covering 54 km2. The three largest lavas, those of the Seydishólar, Kerhólar and Tjarnarhólar craters, are roughly contemporaneous. Vigorous explosive activity in Seydishólar led to the formation of the Seydishólar tephra (0,09 km3) which fonns a good marker horizon (Fig. 2) for the age deter- mination of other lavas. The C14 dating of the Kerhóll lava gave 6220 ± 140 years B.P. (half-value period 5568 years), which is in good agreement with the previously suggested age of 50Ö0—6000 y., based on tephrochronology. The new C14 age sup- ported by tephrochronological data (Fig. 3), shows that the Grímsnes volcanic fis- sure swarm was formed ahout 5500—6500 y. B.P. (Fig. 4). Acknowledgement Henrik Tauber, of the C14-dating La- boratory of the Danish National Museum, is tlianked for performing the C14 age determination. 162
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