Ársrit Fiskifélags Íslands - 01.01.1933, Blaðsíða 73

Ársrit Fiskifélags Íslands - 01.01.1933, Blaðsíða 73
RESUME This paper is the second report made by the Fiskifélag ís- 3ands on the investigations on fish, and these investigations were decided upon by the Fishers’ Council of 1930. On Jan. lst 1931 I undertook my post as scientific adviser to the Association. My work has for the most part consisted in research on cod and herring. The cod-investigations are to a great extent a continuat- ion of such investigations as were conducted here during the years 1928—30 by the Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havundersogelser, under Prof. Schmidt, but Dr. Taaning has writ- ten about the results of these investigations in: Á. Vedel Taaning: Fluctuations in the Stock of the Cod in Icelandic Waters, Medd. fra Komm. for Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havunders., Serie: Fiskeri, Bd. IX, Nr. 3, Köbenhavn 1931. I have myself written about the result of the investigations on fish by the Fiskifélag íslands for the year 1931, in Skýrsla Fiskifélags Islands 1930—31, Reykjavík 1931, pp. 37—82. The herring-investigations though in part a con- tinuation of the Danish investigations (cf. P. Jespersen: On the Food of the Herring in Icelandic Waters, Medd. for Komm. for Danmarks Fiskeri- og Havunders., Serie: Plankton, Bd. II, Nr. 3, Köbenhavn 1932), are with regard to measurements and age- determination of herring, quite independent. I. The Cod-investigations. The material for determining the age of cod was gathered in the following places: Vestmanna Islands, South-Iceland, Keflavík and Reykjavík, South-West Ice- land, Bolungarvik, North-West Iceland, Siglufjörður, North Ice- land, Norðfjörður in East Iceland, and Hornafjörður in South-East Iceland. Further material was gathered on the trawler »SkaIla- grímur«, and the patrol boat »Þór«. The age of 5,508 fish was determined through their otoliths, but altogether measurements were taken of 34,564 fish. Table 1 shows how much of this material was gathered in each place of investigation, and Table 2 how the material was divided between the months. Each fish taken was
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Ársrit Fiskifélags Íslands

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