Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Page 28
Námskeiðið 05.15.25 English Prosody and Intonation. Forsíðan
hefur nú verið tekið niður en verður að hluta nýtt fyrir annað
námskeið. Ítarleg tóndæmi og greining á enskri ítónun.
Tóndæmin einnig fáanleg á geisladiski.
Endurbætt og aukin útgáfa af ritinu English Pronunciation for
Icelanders ásamt efni á þremur geisladiskum.
20. október 2002. Þátttaka í útvarpsþættinum ‘Fundur í útvarps-
sal’ (í umsjá Ævars Kjartanssonar og Jóns Ólafssonar) þar
sem rætt var um hnattvæðingu í framhaldi af ráðstefnu um
hnattvæðingu 19. október.
Robert Cook prófessor
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
On translating sagas, Gripla 13 (2002), bls. 107-145.
Þrír fyrirlestrar í boði University of Victoria, Victoria, BC,
Canada, 6.-8. nóv. 2002.
Gunnar Harðarson dósent
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Alls vér erum einnar tungu. Um skyldleika ensku og íslensku í
Fyrstu málfræðiritgerðinni. Íslenskt mál og almenn mál-
fræði, 21. árg. 1999, bls. 11-30.
Austan við mál og sunnan við verk. Um listsköpun Eggerts
Péturssonar, Skírnir, 175. ár (vor 2001), bls. 258-263.
Human Nature and the Good Life: Hume’s Idea of Happiness.
Erindi á ráðstefnunni Slöyden – Idealet om et bra liv?
Norræna húsinu, 9. október 2001.
Frá klausturmúrum til konungsgarðs. Erindi í málstofuröðinni
Textar án landamæra. Rannsóknarstofa í miðaldafræðum,
Hugvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, 22. febrúar 2002.
Íslensk heimspeki (Philosophia Islandica), bókaflokkur gefinn
út af Hinu íslenska bókmenntafélagi. Ritstjóri frá 1997-2001.
Rit útgefið 2001: Kvenna megin eftir Sigríði Þorgeirsdóttur
(Íslensk heimspeki VIII).
Mikael M. Karlsson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Agency and Patiency: Back to Nature? Philosophical
Explorations 5:1 (2002) pp. 59-81.
Seasonal Affective Disorders: Relevance of Icelandic and Ice-
landic-Canadian Evidence to Etiologic Hypotheses (with
Jóhann Axelsson, Jón G. Stefánsson, Andrés Magnússon
and Helgi Sigvaldason). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 47:2
(March 2002), pp. 153-158.
Differences in Prevelance of Seasonal Affective Disorder That
Are Not Explained by Either Genetic or Latitude Differences
(with Jóhann Axelsson and Ragnhildur Káradóttir).
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 61 (2002), pp.
Annað efni í ritrýndu fræðiriti
Það hefur aldrei verið markmið hjá mér að þróa alltum-
faðmandi heimspekikerfi (It has never been my aim to build
a comprehensive philosophical system); interview with
Donald Davidson (translated by Geir Þ. Þórarinsson) in the
Icelandic philosophical journal Hugur (2002), pp. 11-24.
Comparative Studies of Seasonal Affective Disorders in Ice-
landic and Canadian Populations Reveal Genetic Influences
(with Jóhann Axelsson, Andrés Magnússon, Jón G. Stefáns-
son and Ragnhildur Káradóttir); paper presented (by Mikael
M. Karlsson) at the international partnership conference
„Northern Countries“, held under the auspices of the
University of Manitoba, the University of Iceland, the
University of Akureyri, Hólar Agricultural College and the
Stefánsson Arctic Institute at the University of Iceland 16
March 2002. (Appears in conference program under the title
„Comparative Studies of Icelandic and Icelandic-Canadian
Populations: A Useful Medium for the Study of Risk Factors
for Cardiovascular and Other Diseases“). In this session,
Jóhann Axelsson presented a second paper.
The Importance of Theory for practice: Understanding Double
Effect; invited paper presented at the international
conference „Philosophy and Its Public Role“, organized by
the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs of the
University of St Andrews with support from Chatham
College and The Philosophical Quarterly, and held at
Chatham College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 7-9 June 2002.
Who is Really SAD? Dual Diagnosis of Affective Disorders (with
Jóhann Axelsson); invited paper presented (by Mikael M.
Karlsson) at the XXVIIth International Congress on Law and
Mental Health, held under the auspices of the International
Academy of Law and Mental Health at the University of
Amsterdam 8-12 July 2002. (Submitted for publication to the
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry.)
Miriam McCormick on Hume’s Sceptical Metaphilosophy;
invited commentary presented at the 29th Hume
Conference, an international conference organized by the
Hume Society and the University of Helsinki, and held in
Helsinki 26-10 Agust 2001.
The Vagaries of Violence in Aristotelian Physics; invited paper
presented at an international symposium on ancient,
hellenistic and medieval philosophy held at Þjóðmenningar-
húsið in Reykjavík 23-24 November 2002.
World-making and World-finding, lecture invited by the
Department of Philosophy, Université de Nancy 2 for the
Séminarie du DEA de Philosophie 11 December 2002.
On an Ancient Debate Concerning the Weight of Air, lecture
invited by the Archives H. Poincaré, Université de Nancy 2,
10 December 2002.
Ég hafna engu sem fólk gerir í nafni heimspekinnar (I am not
dismissive of anything that people want to do in the name of
philosophy); interview with Donald Davidson (translated by
Geir Þ. Þórarinsson) in Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, 9
November 2002, pp. 6-7.
Ólafur Páll Jónsson aðjunkt
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
Sannleikur, þverstæður og göt, Hugur, 14. ár 2002.
Making room for metaphysical vagueness, Forth European
Congress for Analytic Philosophy, Lundi Svíþjóð, 14.-18. júní