Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Qupperneq 60

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Qupperneq 60
59 Anna Birna Almarsdóttir dósent Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Morgall Traulsen J, Almarsdóttir AB and I Björnsdóttir. The lay user perspective on the quality of pharmaceuticals, drug therapy, and pharmacy services. Pharmacy World and Science 24:4, 2002. Almarsdóttir AB, Björnsdóttir I and J Morgall Traulsen. Pharmacists in a liberalised system – Results from a profession-wide survey in Iceland. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 10:47-53, 2002. Møldrup C, Morgall JM, and AB Almarsdóttir. Perceived risk of future drugs – a Danish citizen Delphi. Health, Risk & Society 4(1):5-17, 2002. Almarsdóttir AB, Grímsson A and I Björnsdóttir. Design and implementation of pharmaceutical policy in Iceland – the need for evaluation and understanding of the „black box“. Journal of Pharmacy Finance, Economics and Policy 12(1), 2002. Fyrirlestur Almarsdóttir AB. The use of epidemiology data in pharmacogenomic studies. Invited speaker, The Nordic Pharmacy Congress, Stockholm, May 29, 2002. Abstract F77. Veggspjöld Rakel F. Kolbeins, Anna Birna Almarsdóttir og Ástráður Hreið- arsson. Gæði skráningar ávísunar og lyfjanotkunar á sjúkrahúsum. Lyflæknaþing Læknafélags Íslands, Ísafirði, júní 2002. Ágrip V14, Læknablaðið, fylgirit 44, júní 2002. Almarsdóttir AB and M Sigurðsson. Development and pretesting of an instrument measuring the use of over-the- counter drugs, herbal medicines, vitamins, and food supplements. 62nd Congress of FIP (Federation Internationale Pharmaceutique), Nice, France, August 31- September 5, 2002. Abstract CPS-P-258. Anna Birna Almarsdóttir og Magnús Sigurðsson. Notkun lausa- sölulyfja, náttúruefna og bætiefna – hönnun og prófun spurningalista. Dagur lyfjafræðinnar (Lyfjafræðingafélag Ís- lands), Reykjavík, 30. nóvember 2002. Þýðing Þýðing úr dönsku á kverinu og lausnaleitardæmum: Problembased Learning eftir Lotte Stig Haugbølle og Janine Traulsen. Kompendium til Farmaceutisk Grundkursus, T01- 1, Danmarks Farmaceutiske Højskole, 2002 (11 bls. A4) (með leyfi höfunda). Ritstjórn Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, November 2001 – present. Kennslurit Kynningarnámskeið í lyfjafræði: 14 Fyrirlestrar með 13-17 glærum hver á vef námskeiðs. Félagslyfjafræði: 9 Fyrirlestrar með 10-12 glærum hver á vef námskeiðs. Útdrættir Almarsdóttir AB. The use of epidemiology data in pharmacogenomic studies. The Nordic Pharmacy Congress, Stockholm, May 29, 2002. Abstract F77. Rakel F. Kolbeins, Anna Birna Almarsdóttir og Ástráður Hreið- arsson. Gæði skráningar ávísunar og lyfjanotkunar á sjúkrahúsum. Lyflæknaþing Læknafélags Íslands, Ísafirði, júní 2002. Ágrip V14, Læknablaðið, fylgirit 44, júní 2002. Almarsdóttir AB and M Sigurðsson. Development and pretesting of an instrument measuring the use of over-the- counter drugs, herbal medicines, vitamins, and food supplements. 62nd Congress of FIP (Federation Internationale Pharmaceutique), Nice, France, August 31- September 5, 2002. Abstract CPS-P-258. Almarsdóttir AB and M Sigurðsson. The use of OTCs, herbal medicines, and food supplements – the construction and development of a questionnaire. The 11th Conference on research in the faculties of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy at the University of Iceland. January 3-4, 2003. Abstract V156, The Icelandic Medical Journal Suppl. 47, 2003. Elín S. Ólafsdóttir dósent Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Smestad Paulsen, B., Olafsdottir, E. S., and Ingolfsdottir, K. 2002. Chromatography and electrophoresis in separation and characterization of polysaccharides from lichens. A review. J. Chromatogr. A 967: 163-171. Jaroszewski, J. W., Olafsdottir, E. S., Wellendorph, P., Christen- sen, J., Franzyk, H., Somanadhan, B., Budnik, B. A., Jorgen- sen, L. B., and Clausen, V. C. 2002. Cyanogenic glycosides of Passiflora: Distribution pattern, a saturated cyclopentane derivative from p. guatemalensis, and formation of pseutocyanogenic a-hydroxyamines as isolation artefacts; Phytochemistry 59: 501-511. Olafsdottir, E. S., Jörgensen, L. B., and Jaroszewski, J. W. 2002. Cyanogenesis in glucosinolate-containing plants: Carica papaya and Carica quercifolia; Phytochemistry 60: 269-273. Fyrirlestrar Elín S. Ólafsdóttir (9. júní 2002). „Lyfjafræðin og lífríkið.“ Erindi haldið á Grasadögum – Árbæjarsafninu, Reykjavík. Elín S. Ólafsdóttir (30. nóvember 2002) „Siðanefnd Lyfjafræð- ingafélags Íslands.“ Erindi haldið á rástefnunni dagur lyfja- fræðinnar, Ýmishúsinu, Skógarhlíð 20, Reykjavík. Veggspjöld Fridgeirsdottir, A. B., Omarsdottir, S., Olafsdottir, E. S., Freys- dottir, J., Gizurarson, S. (2002). The effect of two polysacc- harides from Cetraria islandica on spleen cell proliferation in vitro and antibody production in vivo. FIP (International Lyfjafræðideild
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Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands

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