Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Síða 74

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Síða 74
73 prognosis. Veggspjald á 33. ráðstefnu norrænna fæðinga- og kvensjúkdómalækna, Umeå, júní 2002. Hjaltason H, Hauksdóttir S, Vigfússon G, Steingrímsdóttir Th, Ólafsson E. Maternal obstetric neuropathies in lower extremities: Frequency, localization, etiology and prognosis. Veggspjald á ráðstefnu norrænna taugalækna í Reykjavík maí 2002. Geðlæknisfræði Hannes Pétursson prófessor Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Gudjonsson GH, Hannesdottir K, Petursson H, Bjornsson G. The Effects of Alcohol Withdrawal on Mental State, Interrogative Suggestibility and Compliance: An Experimental Study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 2002;13:53-67. Gurling HMD, Kalsi G, Brynolfsson J, Sigmundsson T, Sherrington R, Mankoo BS, Read T, Murphy P, Blaveri E, McQuillin A, Petursson H, Curtis D. 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Stefansson H, Sigurdsson E, Steinthorsdottir V, Bjornsdottir S, Sigmundsson T, Gosh S, Brynjolfsson J, Gunnarsdottir S, Ivarsson O, Chou TT, Hjaltason O, Birgisdottir B, Jonsson H, Gudnadottir VG, Gudmundsdottir E, Bjornsson A, Ingvars- son B, Ingason A, Sigfusson S, Hardardottir H, Sainz J, Johannesson G, Andresson T, Gudbjartsson D, Manolescu A, Frigge ML, Gurney ME, Kong A, Gulcher JR, Petursson H, and Stefansson K (2002). Neuregulin 1 and susceptibility to schizophrenia. European Foundation for Psychiatry. Schizophrenia-Challenging the Orthodox, Speaker Abstracts. Institute of Psychiatry, London. 4-5 November. 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X World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Brussels, October 9-13th, 2002. Veggspjöld Könnun á algengi síþreytu á meðal Íslendinga á aldrinum 19-75 ára. Eiríkur Líndal, Jón G. Stefánsson, Sverrir Bergman. Visindadagar á vori. Landspítalinn 2002. Langtíma afleiðingar sjóslysa á áfallastreitu og almennt geð- heilsufar. Eiríkur Líndal, Jón G. Stefánsson. Vísindadagar að vori. Landspítalinn, 2002. The relationship between anxiety, depression and alcoholism. H Kolbeinsson, H Óskarsson, JG Stefánsson, Th Thorgeirsson, J Gulcher, K Stefánsson. Scandinavian College of Neuro- Psychopharmacolgy 43rd Annual Meeting, Juan Les Pins, 10-13 April 2002. Social Phobia and Panic Disorder; similarities an dissimilarities in lifetime course. H Óskarsson, H Kolbeinsson, JG Stefáns-
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