Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Síða 94

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Síða 94
93 AS, Ingvarson S, Amundadottir L, Andresdottir M, Adal- steinsdottir EA, Gislason T, Gislason D, Gurney M, Gulcher J and Stefansson K. Pharmacogenetics study of glucocorticoid sensitive and resistant asthma predicts glucocorticoid responsiveness of asthmatic patients with high accuracy. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2002. Ólafsdóttir BR, Björnsdóttir US, Manolescu A, Kristinsson SG, Gislason T, Gislason D, Gulcher J, Stefansson K, Hakonar- son H. Study of SNP Haplotypes in the Cytokine Gene Cluster on 5q31-35 in asthma and atopy patients in Iceland. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2002. Bjornsdottir, US2, McCullagh, E1, Bloom G. A1, Bjarkarson, I1, Arnason, T1, Shkolny, D1, Adalsteinsdottir, EA1, Kristjansson, K1, Gulcher, J1, E1, Gislason, T2, Gislason, D2, Stefansson, K1., and Hakonarson, H1. Evaluation of polymorphisms in the IL- 13 gene in Icelanders with moderate to severe atopic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2001;107:277. Hakonarson H1, U. S. Bjornsdottir2, A. Manolescu1, T. Gislason2, D. 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Declining Coronary Heart Disease Mortality in Iceland: Contribution by Incidence and Case Fatality Rate. Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. 2002;36. 337-341. Lilja S. Jónsdóttir, Nikulás Sigfússon, Vilmundur Guðnason, Helgi Sigvaldason, Guðmundur Þorgeirsson. Do lipids pressure, duabetes, and smoking confer equal risk of myocardial infarctuin in women as in men? The Reykjavik Study. Journal of Cardiovascular Risk 2002, Vol 9:2: Suppl 105 67-76. Gunnarsdottir I, Birgisdottir BE, Benediktsson R, Gudnason V, Thorsdottir I. Relationship between size at birth and hypertension in a genetically homogenous population of high birth weight. Journal of Hypertension 2002;20:623-8. Birgisdottir BE, Gunnarsdottir I, Thorsdottir I, Gudnason V, Benediktsson R. Size at birth and glucose intolerance in a relatively genetically homogenous, high birth weight population. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002;76:399-403. Gunnarsdottir I, Birgisdottir BE, Thorsdottir I, Gudnason V, Benediktsson R. 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Fifteen percent of myocardial infarctions and coronary revascularizations explained by family history unrelated to conventional risk factors. The Reykjavik Cohort Study. Eur Heart J 2002 Nov;23(21):1655- 63. Gudmundsson G, Matthiasson SE, Arason H, Johannsson H, Runarsson F, Bjarnason H, Helgadottir K, Thorisdottir S, Ingadottir G, Lindpaintner K, Sainz J, Gudnason V, Frigge ML, Kong A, Gulcher JR, Stefansson K. Localization of a gene for peripheral arterial occlusive disease to chromosome 1p31. Am J Hum Genet 2002 Mar;70(3):586-92. Fyrirlestrar Emil L. Sigurðsson, Kristín Pálsdóttir, Bragi Sigurðsson, Sigríð- ur Jónsdóttir, Vilmundur Guðnason. Samanburður á áhættuþáttum hjarta-og æðasjúkdóma meðal fimmtugra á Akureyri og í Hafnarfirði. 6. Vísindaþing félags íslenskra heimilislækna. 25.-26. október 2002, Borgarnesi. Bls 39. Emil Sigurðsson, Kristín Pálsdóttir, Bragi Sigurðsson, Sigríður Jónsdóttir, Vilmundur Guðnason. Árangur einfaldrar íhlut- unar á áhættuþætti hjarta- og æðasjúkdóma. 6. Vísindaþing félags íslenskra heimilislækna. 25.-26. október 2002, Borg- arnesi. Bls 41.
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