Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Side 98
Framvirk rannsókn á byrjandi iktsýki. 15. þing Félags íslenskra
lyflækna, Ísafirði, júní 2002. Ágrip E31, Læknablaðið 2002,
fylgirit 44. (Erindi flutt af Sædísi Sævarsdóttur.)
Áhrif skorts á mannósabindilectini og komplímentþáttum C4A
og C4B í íslenskum fjölskyldum með ættgengna rauða úlfa.
15. þing Félags íslenskra lyflækna, Ísafirði, júní 2002. Ágrip
E32, Læknablaðið 2002, fylgirit 44. (Erindi flutt af Sædísi
HLA-Cw6+ but not HLA Cw6- psoriasis patients show increased
frequency of CLA+ CD8+ but not CLA+CD4+ T cells after
stimulation with streptococcal antigens. The 33rd Annual
Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology,
Bergen 24-27th April 2002. Abstract No 11. Scand J.
Immunol 2002, 55: 523. (Erindi flutt af Heklu Sigmundsdóttur)
Clinical features of psoriasis in context of linkage mapping. Ár-
leg alþjóðleg ráðstefna um erfðarannsóknir í psoriasis á
vegum National Foundation of psoriasis. Nice 26-28. April
2002. (Erindi flutt af Jóhanni Elí Guðjónssyni.)
Streptococcal throat infections cause exacerbation of chronic
plaque psoriasis – a prospective study. From Gene to Clinic,
London 21-23 Nov. 2002. (Erindi flutt af Jóhanni Elí Guðjóns-
Gerður Gröndal, Þóra Víkingsdóttir, Kristján Steinsson and
Helgi Valdimarsson. „Mannose Binding Lectin concentration
and its relation to complement C4A and C4B null alleles and
clinical criteria in Icelandic multicase families with SLE“.
The European (EULAR) Rheumatology Meeting, Stockholm,
June 2002.
Arnór Víkingsson, Þóra Víkingsdóttir, Valdís Manfreðsdóttir, Sig-
rún Sigurðardóttir, Þorbjörn Jónsson og Helgi Valdimars-
son. „Tóbaksreykingar og samhliða hækkun á IgM/IgA gigt-
arþætti í upphafi sjúkdóms spáir fyrir um verri horfur í
nýbyrjaðri iktsýki“. 15. þing Félags íslenskra lyflækna, Ísa-
firði, júní 2002.
H. Sigmundsdóttir, J. E. Guðjónsson and H. Valdimarsson.
„Superantigen induce CLA expression by lymphocytes
incubated in medium with fetal calf serum but not human
serum, even when enriched with IL-12“. International
meeting on psoriasis: „From Gene to Clinic, London 21-23
Nov. 2002. Abstract No 58, Br J Dermatol, 2002, 147: 1069.
H. Sigmundsdóttir, J. E. Guðjónsson and H. Valdimarsson.
„Methotrexate reduces the frequency of CLA T cells
infiltrating psoriatic skin lesions“. From Gene to Clinic,
London 21-23 Nov. 2002. Abstact No 80, Br J Dermatol 2002,
147: 1075.
H. Sigmundsdóttir, J. E. Guðjónsson and Helgi Valdimarsson.
„The effects of UVB treatment on the expression of adhesion
molecules by circulating T lymphocytes in psoriasis“. From
Gene to Clinic, London 21-23. Nov. 2002. Abstact No 81, Br J
Dermatol 2002, 147: 1076.
A. Johnston and H. Valdimarsson. „A search for autodominant
peptides in psoriasis vulgaris.“ From Gene to Clinic, London
21-23 Nov. 2002. Abstract No 53, Br J Dermatol 2002, 147:
Ritstjóri Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.
Í ritstjórn Clinical and Experimental Immunology.
Ingileif Jónsdóttir dósent
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Håvard Jakobsen, Stefania Bjarnarson, Giuseppe Del Giudice,
Monique Moreau, Claire-Anne Siegrist and Ingileif Jonsdott-
ir. Intranasal immunization with pneumococcal conjugate
vaccines with LT-K63, a nontoxic mutant of heat-labile
enterotoxin as adjuvant, rapidly induces protective
immunity against lethal pneumococcal infections in
neonatal mice. Infect. Immun. 2002;70(3):1443-52.
Sigurveig Th. Sigurdardottir, Gunnhildur Ingolfsdottir, Katrin
Davidsdottir, Thorolfur Gudnason, Sveinn Kjartansson, Karl
G. Kristinsson, Fabrice Bailleux, Odile Leroy and Ingileif
Jonsdottir Immune Response to Octavalent Diphtheria and
Tetanus Conjugated Pneumococcal Vacciens is Serotype-
and Carrier-Specific: The Choice for a Mixed Carrier Vaccine.
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 2002;21:548-54.
Steinn Jonsson, Gestur Vidarsson, Helgi Valdimarsson, Gerald
Schiffman, Rachel Schneerson and Ingileif Jonsdottir.
Vaccination of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease with a Pneumococcus type 6B Tetanus Toxoid
Conjugate Vaccine. European Respiratory Journal,
Margrét Yrsa Richter, Håvard Jakobsen og Ingileif Jónsdóttir.
Bólusetning þungaðra músa og vernd afkvæma gegn
pneumókokkasýkingum Vísindi á vordögum, Landspítali –
háskólasjúkrahús, 14.-15. maí 2002. Erindi flutt af Margréti
Y. Richter.
Håvard Jakobsen, Solveig Hannesdottir, Stefania P. Bjarnarson,
Emmanuelle Trannoy, Giuseppe Del Giudice, Claire-Anne
Siegrist and Ingileif Jonsdottir. Age-dependent T-cell
responses to pneumococcal conjugate vaccines: A weak
and Th2-biased response in neonates can be circumvented
by the adjuvant LT-K63. 3rd Plenary Meeting of Neovac-EC,
Antibes, 11-13th September 2002. Erindi flutt af Håvard
Håvard Jakobsen, Brenda C. Adarna, Giuseppe Del Giudice,
Emmanuelle Trannoy, Claire-Anne Siegrist and Ingileif
Jonsdottir. Effect of immunization routes and adjuvants on
the immunogenicity of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in
neonatal mice. 3rd Plenary Meeting of Neovac-EC, Antibes,
11-13th September 2002. Erindi flutt af IJ.
Stefania P. Bjarnarson, Håvard Jakobsen, Giuseppe Del Giudice,
Emmanuelle Trannoy, Claire-Anne Siegrist and Ingileif
Jonsdottir. Generation of pneumococcal polysaccharide
specific memory B cells in infant and neonatal mice
immunized with conjugate vaccine. 3rd Plenary Meeting of
Neovac-EC, Antibes, 11-13th September 2002. Erindi flutt af
Stefaníu p. Bjarnarson, meistaranema.
Ingileif Jónsdóttir: Appropriate Immunological Endpoints from
Phase II to Phase III. Adult Pneumococcal Conjugate
Vaccine Immunization European Expert Panel Meeting. 27-
28 June, Hotel Marriott, París.
Ingileif Jónsdóttir: Immune mechanism of action of polysacc-
haride-protein conjugate vaccines. Clinical Vaccinology
Seminars 8.-10. October 2002, Campus Mérieux, Marcy l’Et-
oile, France.
Ingileif Jónsdóttir: Mucosal vaccination against encapsulated
bacteria; an advantage in early life? European Society for
Pediatric Research, 4.-7. September, 2002, Utrecht, The
Ingileif Jónsdóttir Intranasal vaccination with conjugate
vaccines protects against invasive disease caused by
encapsulated bacteria. 51th Annual Convention of the
Pharmaceutical Socitey of Kora and International
Symposium, 17-18 October 2002, Osong, Korea.
Ingileif Jónsdóttir Immune response of neonates to conjugate
vaccines. Department of immunology, University Medical
Center Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Ingileif Jónsdóttir, Viktor D. Sigurðsson, Sigurveig Þ. Sigurðar-
dóttir, Dominique Schulz og Håvard Jakobsen. Próteintengd
pneumókokkafjölsykrubóluefni af hjúpgerð 19F vekja víxl-