Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Side 118
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Structured Triacylglycerols and
1-O-Alkylglycerols Comprising n-3 PUFA, 223rd ACS
National Meeting, Orlando, Florida, April 7-11, 2002. (30
Lipase in Organic Synthesis: The Production of Novel Fats and
Oils, Prokaria hf., Reykjavík, 26. apríl 2002. (60 mín. erindi
haldið á ensku fyrir vísindamenn fyrirtækisins.)
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Structured Triacylglycerols and
1-O-Alkylglycerols Comprising n-3 PUFA, 93rd AOCS
Annual Meeting and Expo, Montreal, Québec, Canada, May
5-8, 2002. (20 mín.)
Regioselectivity of Lipases Toward Glycerol and 1-O-
Alkylglycerols, 93rd AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo,
Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 5-8, 2002. Erindið flutt af
Arnari Halldórssyni (20 mín.)
Application of Lipase in the Production of Omega-3 PUFA
Enriched Fats and Oils, Pronova Biocare, Lysaker, Oslo,
Norway, May 21, 2002. (60 mín. erindi haldið fyrir starfs-
menn fyrirtækisins til að kynna þeim möguleika líftækni
Líftækni tengd fituefnum í sjávarfangi Ráðstefna Efnafræði-
félags Íslands, Hótel KEA, Akureyri, 13.-14. september 2002.
(30 mín.)
„Application of Lipase on Marine Lipids“, Novo Nordisk,
Bagsværd, Denmark, December 12, 2002. (45 mín.)
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Structured Lipids, Department of
Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada, May 14, 2002. Erindið flutt af Arnari Halldórssyni
doktorsnema. (45 mín.)
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Structured Lipids Comprising
Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Department of
Organic Chemistry, Nijmegen University, Nijmegen, The
Netherlands, November 11, 2002. (45 mín.)
Preparation of Structured Triacylglycerols and Ether Lipids
Comprising EPA and DHA Utilizing Lipase Regioselectivity,
BioCentrum, Denmarks Technical University (DTU), Lyngby,
Copenhagen, Denmark, November 29, 2002. (30 mín.)
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Structured Triacylglycerols and
1-O-Alkylglycerols Comprising n-3 PUFA, Guðmundur G.
Haraldsson, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, Florida,
April 7-11, 2002, Book of Abstracts, Division of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry, Neutraceutical and Specialty Lipids,
Paper 20.
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Structured Triacylglycerols and
1-O-Alkylglycerols Comprising n-3 PUFA, Guðmundur G.
Haraldsson, Arnar Halldórsson og Carlos D. Magnússon,
93rd AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Montreal, Québec,
Canada, May 5-8, 2002, Book of Abstracts, bls. S24.
Regioselectivity of Lipases Toward Glycerol and 1-O-
Alkylglycerols, Arnar Halldórsson (Honored Student Award
Winner and Frank C. Naughton Award Winner), Carlos D.
Magnússon og Guðmundur G. Haraldsson, 93rd AOCS
Annual Meeting and Expo, Montreal, Québec, Canada, May
5-8, 2002, Book of Abstracts, bls. S27.
Líftækni tengd fituefnum í sjávarfangi, Guðmundur G. Haralds-
son, ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands, Hótel KEA, Akur-
eyri, 13.-14. september 2002, ágrip fyrirlestra, bls. 4.
Efnasmíðar á stöðubundnum eterlípíðum með lípasa, Carlos D.
Magnússon, Arnar Halldórsson og Guðmundur G. Haralds-
son, ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands, Hótel KEA, Akur-
eyri, 13.-14. september 2002, ágrip veggspjalda, bls. 7.
Fullkomin staðvendni í asylun glyseróls með lípasa, Arnar Hall-
dórsson, Carlos D. Magnússon og Guðmundur G. Haralds-
son, ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands, Hótel KEA, Akur-
eyri, 13.-14. september 2002, Ágrip veggspjalda, bls. 10.
Highly Regioselective Acylation of Glycerol by Lipase, Arnar
Halldórsson, Carlos D. Magnússon og Guðmundur G. Har-
aldsson, European Federation for the Science and
Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid). Managing Oils and
Fats Supplies for Human Needs, Strasbourg, France,
November 6-8, 2002. Book of Abstracts.
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Structured Ether Lipids by
Lipase, Carlos D. Magnússon, Arnar Halldórsson og Guð-
mundur G. Haraldsson, European Federation for the
Science and Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid).
Managing Oils and Fats Supplies for Human Needs,
Strasbourg, France, November 6-8, 2002. Book of Abstracs.
Hörður Filippusson dósent
Hörður Filippusson: Vörn fyrir deililíkan. Erindi flutt á fundi Fé-
lags háskólakennara og Félags prófessora, „Deild á deili-
líkan“, 28. nóvember 2002.
Fannar Jónsson og Hörður Filippusson: Stabilizing trypsin by
coupling to chitosan. Veggspjald á 2. ráðstefnu Efnafræðifé-
lags íslands, Akureyri 13.-14. september 2002.
Fannar Jónsson og Hörður Filippusson: Áhrif viðtengdra
kítosanfáliða á stöðugleika ensíma. Veggspjald á vísinda-
dögum Raunvísindastofnunar Háskólans í nóvember 2002.
Hörður Filippusson: Lífhermin griptækni. Veggspjald á vísinda-
dögum Raunvísindastofnunar háskólans í nóvember 2002.
Hörður Filippusson: Hvað er ensím? Svar við spurningu á Vís-
indavefnum í desember 2001.
Ingvar H. Árnason dósent
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
I. Arnason, A. Kvaran, S. Jonsdottir, P. I. Gudnason and H.
Oberhammer; „Conformations of silicon-containing rings.
Part 5. Gas-phase structure of 1-Methyl-1-silacyclohexane
and the conformational preference of the methyl group in
the gas-phase and in solution. „The Journal of Organic
Chemistry, 2002, 67, 3827-3831.
I. Arnason, A. Kvaran, S. Jonsdottir, P. I. Gudnason and H.
Oberhammer; Conformational Properties of 1-Methyl-1-sil-
acyclohexane, 1-Silabutane and 2-Silabutane. The XIII
International Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry, 25-30
August 2002, Guanajuato, Mexico.
I. Arnason, ; Stellingar og stellingajafnvægi – rannsóknir á rúm-
efnafræði lífrænna kísilsameinda. Erindi haldið á Sigmund-
arþingi 23.2.2002.
P. I. Gudnason, I. Arnason, „Synthesis and Characterization of
the Parent 1, 3-Disilacyclohexane“. The XIII International
Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry, 25-30 August
2002, Guanajuato, Mexico.
P. I. Gudnason, I. Arnason, „Ósetið 1, 3-dísilacyclóhexan:
nýsmíði, eiginleikar og orkuyfirborð“. Önnur ráðstefna Efna-
fræðifélags Íslands, Akureyri 13.-14. september 2002.
I. Arnason, P. I. Gudnason, „Efnasmíði, greining og kristalbygg-
ing 2, 8, 9-tríoxa-3, 5, 7-trísila-1-títanaadamantans“. Önnur
ráðstefna Efnafræðifélags Íslands, Akureyri 13.-14. sept-
ember 2002.