Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Page 120
Annual University of Washington Undergraduate Symposium,
Seattle (18. maí 2002); flytjandi: Troy, J. A. (nemi).
Dynamic signatures of RNA-small molecule complexes give
insight into RNA structure and recognition, RNA ’02,
Madison WI (28. maí til 2. júní 2002); flytjandi: Edwards, T. E.
RNA tertiary structure elucidation through photochemical
cross-linking, Northwest Regional Meeting of the American
Chemical Society, Spokane, WA (20.-22. júní 2002); flytjandi:
Borda, E. (nemi).
RNA aptamers for xUBFbox1, Northwest Regional Meeting of
the American Chemical Society, Spokane, WA (20-22. júní
2002); flytjandi: Wellhausen, J. D. (nemi).
The study of RNA structure and dynamics using chemical and
spectroscopic methods. Some unexpected results, Simon
Frazer University, Vancouver, Canada (28. júní 2002); flytj-
andi: Sigurdsson, S. T.
„Gen og önnur fyrirbæri úr ævintýraheimi kjarnsýra, “ erindi á
vísindadögum, Háskólabíói (2. nóvember 2002); flytjandi:
Sigurdsson, S. T.
Gen og önnur fyrirbæri úr ævintýraheimi kjarnsýra, erindi á
málstofu eðlis- og stærðfræði (8. nóvember 2002); flytjandi:
Sigurdsson, S. T.
Spin-labeled RNA: an emerging tool for the elucidation of RNA
structure and dynamics, Molecular Biophysics Student
Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle (20. nóvember
2002); flytjandi Edwards, T. E. (nemi).
Edwards, T. E., and Sigurdsson, S. T., „Monitoring changes in
RNA dynamics using EPR spectroscopy: TAR RNA-metal
ion, TAR-Tat peptide, and TAR-inhibitor complexes, “ 13th
Volcanoe Conference on Bioorganic Chemistry (23.-24.
febrúar 2002).
Louie, E. A., Chirakul, P., Sigurdsson, S. T., Drobny, G. P.,
„Measuring long-range internuclear distances with a
trifluoromethyl group in biomolecules using P31-F19, “ 46th
Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco
(23.-27. febrúar 2002).
Borda, E., and Sigurdsson, S. T., „Investigation of the structure
and dynamics of the hairpin ribozyme through
photochemical crosslinking, “ RNA ’02, Madison WI (28. maí
til 2. júní 2002).
Wellhausen, J. D., Troy, J. A., and Sigurdsson, S. T., „RNA
aptamers for the high mobility group protein xUBF1, “ RNA
’02, Madison WI (28. maí til 2. júní 2002).
Sigurdsson, S. T., Markley, J. C., Borda, E. J., „Novel zinc-
dependent cleavage of the hammerhead ribozyme:
implications for metal ion binding and ribozyme function, “
RNA ’02, Madison WI (28. maí til 2. júní 2002).
Edwards, T. E., and Sigurdsson, S. T., „Monitoring changes in
RNA dynamics using EPR spectroscopy: TAR RNA-metal
ion, TAR-Tat peptide, and TAR-inhibitor complexes, “ RNA
’02, Madison WI (28. maí til 2. júní 2002).
Massey, A. P., Sigurdsson, S. T., „Nucleoside containing a rigid
nitroxide spin-label for studies of nucleic acids by electron
paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy“. 224th Meeting of
the American Chemical Society (18.-22. ágúst 2002).
Weber, A., Sigurdsson, S. T., Prisner, T. F., Schiemann, O.,
„Nanometer distance measurements on RNA, “ EMBO
Workshop on Ribozymes and RNA Catalysis, Dundee (23.-
27. ágúst 2002).
Sigurdsson, S. T., Markley, J. C., Borda, E. J., „Evidence for a pH-
dependent conformational change in the hammerhead ri-
bozyme, “ EMBO Workshop on Ribozymes and RNA
Catalysis, Dundee (23.-27. ágúst 2002).
Sigurdsson, S. T., Rupert, P., Massey, A. P., Ferre D’Amare, A.,
„Hvernig virkar RNA?“ Veggspjaldakynning Raunvísindastofn-
unar Háskóla Íslands á vísindadögum (1. nóvember 2002).
Jarð- og landfræði
Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir lektor
Fræðileg skýrsla
Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir & Svanhildur Þorsteinsdóttir 2002: Þol-
mörk ferðamennsku í þjóðgarðinum í Jökulsárgljúfrum.
Viðhorf ferðamanna og stefna yfirvalda. Reykjavík: Náttúru-
vernd ríkisins, 49 bls. ISBN: 9979-60-831-5.
Áslaug Geirsdóttir prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Andrews, J. T., Hardardóttir, J., Geirsdóttir, Á., and Helgadóttir,
G. 2002. Late Quaternary ice extent and depositional history
from the Djúpáll trough, Northwest peninsula, Iceland: A
stacked 36 cal ka environmental record. Polar Research 21
(2), 211-226.
Geirsdóttir, Á., Andrews, J. T., Ólafsdóttir, S., Helgadóttir, G., and
Hardardóttir, J. 2002. A 36 Ka record of iceberg rafting and
sedimentation from NW Iceland. Polar Research 21 (2), 291-
Andrews, J. T., Geirsdóttir, Á., Principato, S., Kristjánsdóttir, G.
B., Helgadóttir, G., Hardardóttir, J., Grönvold, K., Svein-
björnsdóttir, Á., Drexler, J. 2002. Distribution, age and
geochemistry of the Saksunarvatn (10. 18 ± cal ka) ash in
marine, lake, and terrestrial sediments, NW Iceland.
Journal of Quaternary Sciences 17, 731-745.
Andrews, J. T., Kihl, R., Kristjansdottir, G., L. M. Smith, Helga-
dottir, G., Geirsdottir, A., and Jennings, A. E 2002. Holocene
Sediment Properties of the East Greenland and Iceland
continental shelves bordering Denmark Strait (64-68° N),
North Atlantic. Sedimentology 49, 5-24.
Önnur fræðileg grein
Geirsdóttir, Á. 2002. Veður á Íslandi í 10.000 ár. Fréttabréf Há-
skóla Íslands 1. tbl. 24. árg., apríl 2002.
Geirsdóttir, Á. 2002. Using the record of Icelandic lake
sediments to define the natural climatevariability during the
Holocene. LAMSCAN meeting in Iceland at Hotel Örk Hvera-
gerði, 20-25 August, 2002.
Geirsdóttir, Á. 2002. Climatic evolution of Iceland and Greenland
during the Holocene. PARCS Working Group on Holocene
Warmth. Boulder, Colorado, 31 Oct-2 Nov, 2002.
Geirsdóttir, Á., Andrews, J. T., Miller, G. H., Ólafsdóttir, S.,
Principato, S., and Kristjánsdóttir, G. B. 2002. Following the
Late Weichselian retreat of the NW Iceland ice cap from
shelf to land. Geological Society of America, Annual Meet-
ing, Denver, CO, 27-30 Oct. 2002.
Geirsdóttir, Á., Helgadóttir, G., Harðardóttir, J., and Ólafsdóttir, S.
2002. Record of environmental change from the last 30 ka
based on marine and lake studies. Nordic Geologic
Wintermeeting, Reykjavík, Jan 6-11, 2002.
Langdon, p., Caseldine, C & Geirsdóttir, Á. 2002. Icelandic
Chironomids: A Holocene environmental reconstruction from
NW Iceland. 32. Annual Arctic Workshop Abstracts, March 14-
16, 2002. INSTAAR, University of Colorado at Boulder.
Principato, S., Geirsdóttir, Á., & Andrews, J. T. 2002. Contrasting
glacial geology of the Strandir and Ísafjardardjúp coastlines,
NW Peninsula, Iceland. 32. Annual Arctic Workshop Abstracts,
March 14-16, 2002. INSTAAR, University of Colorado at Boulder.
Caseldine, C., Geirsdóttir, Á., Langton, P. 2002. Efstadalsvatn – a
multi-proxy study of a Holocene lacustrine sequence from
NW Iceland. Nordic Geologic Wintermeeting, Reykjavík, Jan
6-11, 2002.