Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Page 124
Friedrich, W. L., & Leifur A. Símonarson 2002: The Tertiary Flora
of Iceland: a witness of a migration route between Europe
and North America. Program, Book of Abstracts. 6th Europ-
ean Palaeobotany-Palynology Conference, Athens, August
29-September 2, 2002, 82.
Ólafur Ingólfsson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Forman, S. L., Ingólfsson, Ó., Gataullin, V., Manley, W., &
Lokrantz, H. 2002: Late Quaternary Stratigraphy, Glacial
Limits, and Paleoenvironments of the Marresale Area,
Western Yamal Peninsula, Russia. Quaternary Research 57,
Ingólfsson, Ó., & Hjort, C. 2002: Glacial history of the Antarctic
Peninsula since the Last Glacial Maximum: a synthesis.
Polar Research 21: 227-234.
Forman, S. L., Ingólfsson, Ó., Lubinski, D., Lokrantz, H. 2002:
Variable Late Pleistocene ice sheet and ice cap extent in the
Eurasian North. Geological Society of America 2002 Denver
Annual Meeting, Abstracts, paper #41774.
Ingólfsson, Ó. 2002: Late Quaternary glacial history of southern
Kara Sea area: Stratigraphical evidence from Yamal and
Yugorski Peninsulas. Quaternary Environments of the
Eurasian North, Abstracts. 6th QUEEN Meeting, Spiez,
Switzerland, May 25-28, 2002 (abstract volume at
http://www.geomar. de/~hbauch/king/html/queen.html).
Lokrantz, H., & Ingólfsson, Ó. 2002: Genesis of a massive
ground ice body at Cape Shpindler, Arctic Russia. Quater-
nary Environments of the Eurasian North, Abstracts. 6th
QUEEN Meeting, Spiez, Switzerland, May 25-28, 2002
(abstract volume at: http://www.geomar.
Ingólfsson, Ó., & Hjort, C. 2002: Environmental changes in the
Antarctic Peninsula since LGM. Antarctic Peninsula Climate
Variability: A Historical and Paleoenvironmental Perspective,
Abstracts. Hamilton College, Clinton, April 3-5 2002.
Ingólfsson, Ó. 2002 (ed.): The Quaternary Geology of Western
Svalbard – Excursion Guide. Longyearbyen, UNIS, 17 pp. +
11 appendixes.
Ingólfsson, Ó. 2002: Outline of the geography and geology of
Svalbard. In: Ingólfsson, Ó. (ed.), The Quaternary Geology of
Western Svalbard – Excursion Guide. Longyearbyen, UNIS,
Páll Einarsson prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Soosalu, H., and P. Einarsson. Earthquake activity related to the
1991 eruption of the Hekla volcano, Iceland. Bull. Volc., 63,
536-544, 2002.
Khodayar, M., and P. Einarsson. Strike-slip faulting, normal
faulting, and lateral dike injections along a single fault: Field
example of the Gljúfurá fault near a Tertiary oblique
rifttransform zone, Borgarfjörður, west Iceland. J. Geophys.
Res., 107, 10. 1029/2001JB000150, 18 pp., 2002.
Brandsdóttir, B., H. Franzson, P. Einarsson, K. Árnason, H.
Kristmannsdóttir. Seismic monitoring during an injection
experiment in the Svartsengi geothermal field, Iceland. Jök-
ull, 51, 43-52, 2002.
Kafli í ráðstefnuriti
Páll Theodórsson, Páll Einarsson og Guðjón I. Guðjónsson. Ný
radonmælikerfi og jarðskjálftarnir á Suðurlandi í júní 2000.
Eðlisfræði á Íslandi X, 41-50, Eðlisfræðifélag Íslands, 2002.
Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir
Soosalu, H., P. Einarsson. Earthquake catalogue for the Hekla-
Torfajökull area, May 1990-December 1996. Science
Institute, University of Iceland, Report RH-27-2002, 50 pp.,
Páll Einarsson, Mathilde Böttger, Steingrímur Þorbjarnarson.
Faults and fracturesof the South Iceland Seismic Zone near
Þjórsá. The Icelandic Power Company, Landsvirkjun, Report
LV-2002/090, 8 pp., 2002.
Khodayar, M., P. Einarsson. Structural analysis of the Núpur
area, Gnúpverjahreppur, South Iceland. Landsvirkjun,
Report LV-2002/101, 16 pp, 13 figs., 4 plates, 2 maps, 2002.
Rósa Ólafsdóttir, Erik Sturkell, Halldór Ólafsson, Gunnar Þor-
bergsson, Páll Einarsson, Markus Rennen, Halldór Geirs-
son, Theodór Theodórsson. GPS merki á Íslandi 1986 til
2002. Norræna eldfjallastöðin, skýrsla 0301, Háskóli Ís-
lands, 411 bls., 2003.
Páll Einarsson. Jarðfræðileg umgjörð Suðurlandsskjálfta og
áhrif þeirra á land. Í: Suðurlandsskjálftar 2000 (ritstj. Ást-
hildur Bernharðsdóttir og Sólveig Þorvaldsdóttir). Almanna-
varnir ríkisins, Skýrsla, bls. 69-77, 2002.
Einarsson, P., M. Böttger, S. Þorbjarnarson. Surface faulting in
the South Iceland Seismic Zone, a transform zone influ-
enced by a hotspot. 25th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting,
Reykjavík, Abstract Volume, p. 32, 2002.
Khodayar, M., P. Einarsson. Rift-plume interaction: Insights
from geological studies of past and present rift jumps,
Western and Southern Iceland. 25th Nordic Geological
Winter Meeting, Reykjavík, Abstract Volume, p. 110, 2002.
Pedersen, R., F. Sigmundsson, K. L. Feigl, E. Sturkell, P. Einars-
son, S. Jónsson, K. Ágústsson, A. Linde, F. Bretar. Deform-
ation of volcanoes – what InSAR, tilt, GPS and strain data
can tell us about Hekla. 25th Nordic Geological Winter
Meeting, Reykjavík, Abstract Volume, p. 153, 2002.
Sigmundsson, F., P. Einarsson. Plume-ridge interaction in
Iceland: Expression in crustal deformation fields and
volcanic activity. 25th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting,
Reykjavík, Abstract Volume, p. 187, 2002.
Soosalu, H., P. Einarsson. Characteristics of the seismicity at the
Hekla volcano, south Iceland. 25th Nordic Geological Winter
Meeting, Reykjavík, Abstract Volume, p. 197, 2002.
Sturkell, E., P. Einarsson, S. Hreinsdóttir, H. Geirsson. Geodetic
observations of the 1998 Grímsvötn eruption: Co-eruptive
subsidence and subsequent inflation, observed by GPS. 25th
Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Reykjavík, Abstract
Volume, p. 202, 2002.
Sens-Schönfelder, C., P. Einarsson. Die Verteilung von b-Werten
in der Südisländischen Seismizitätszone. 62. Jahrestagung
der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Hannover,
März, 2002, p. 225.
Þóra Árnadóttir, Halldór Geirsson, Erik Sturkell og Páll Einars-
son. Jarðskorpuhreyfingar á Reykjanesskaga frá 1998 til
2001. Vorráðstefna 2002. Ágrip erinda og veggspjalda. Jarð-
fræðafélag Íslands, bls. 65.
Khodayar, M., Páll Einarsson. Tectonics of rift-jump and
migrating transform zone – New structural data from South
Iceland. Vorráðstefna 2002. Ágrip erinda og veggspjalda.
Jarðfræðafélag Íslands, bls. 31.
Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Rikke Pedersen, Pall Einarsson, Erik
Sturkell, Halldor Geirsson, Kurt Feigl, Thora Arnadottir,
Carolina Pagli, Halldor Olafsson. Inferring Volcano
Dynamics and Magma Budget from Crustal Deformation