Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Page 129
S. Hauksdottir, P. K. Turnert, A. Labes, A. G. Hermannsdottir, O.
H. Fridjonsson, E. Nordberg-Karlsson, G. O. Hreggvidsson,
O. Holst, P. Schönheit, J. K. Kristjansson. Diversity and
Properties of thermostable starch modifying enzymes from
Icelandic hot springs. The 4th international congress on
extremophiles, Naples, Italy, Sept 22-26, 2002.
Olafur H. Fridjonsson, Gudmundur O. Hreggvidsson, Sigurlaug
Skírnisdottir, Sigurbjörg Hauksdottir, Jóna B. Jonsdottir,
Steinunn Magnusdottir, Sigridur Baldursdottir, Viggo Th.
Marteinsson, Cedric Hobel, S. Hjörleifsdottir and Jakob K.
Kristjansson. Retrieval of novel genes from biomass and
ecological enrichments with GENEMINING. Abstract.
Extremophiles 2002, Naples Italy, 22-26.9.2002. The 4th
international congress on extremophiles, Naples, Italy, Sept
22-26, 2002.
Skirnisdottir, S., Ævarsson, A., Oddsson, G., Kjartansson, G.,
Gudjonsdottir, S., Marteinsson, V. Th., Hreggvidsson, G. O.,
Hjorleifsdottir, S., and Kristjansson, J. K. 2002. EcoBrowser;
a software for easy documentation of environmental
sampling and ecological data. The 4th international
congress on extremophiles, Naples, Italy, Sept 22-26, 2002.
Bahrani-Mougeot, F., Petursdottir, S. K., Arnardottir, M. B.,
Asgrimsson, H. J. Bjarnason, B., Hreggvidsson, G. O., and
Kristjansson, J. K. 2002. Analysis of the gapped genomic
sequence of the thermophilic bacterium Geothermus
vaporicella from an industrial perspective. The 4th
international congress on extremophiles, Naples, Italy, Sept
22-26, 2002.
Hjörleifsdóttir, S., Thorisdottir, A., Skirnisdottir, S., Ævarsson, A.,
Fridjonsson, O. H., Hermansdottir, A. G., Blondal, Th.,
Hreggvidsson, G. O., and kristjansson, J. K. 2002. Genomic
sequening of thermophilic bacteriophages. The 4th
international congress on extremophiles, Naples, Italy, Sept
22-26, 2002.
Karlsson, E. N. Wicher, K., Abou-Hachemi, M., Holst, O., Hregg-
vidsson, G. O., and Crennel, S. 2002. Insights into function
and stability of Cel12A. a highly thermostable
endoglucanase. The 4th international congress on
extremophiles, Naples, Italy, Sept 22-26, 2002.
Bacteriophage RM 378 of a thermophilic host organisms. US
Patent application No. 09/585, 959, 2003. Also filed as PCT as
well as five divisional US patent applications on genes for
RNA ligase, DNA polymerase, DNA helicase, RNase H and
3’-5’ exonuclease. Sigríður Hjörleifsdottir, Gudmundur O.
Hreggvidsson, Olafur H. Fridjonsson, Arnthor Aevarsson
and Jakob K. Kristjanssson.
Guðni Á. Alfreðsson, prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum tímaritum
Jane A. Irwin, Gudni A. Alfredsson, Antony J. Lanzetti, Haflidi M.
Gudmundsson og Paul C. Engel (2001). Purification and
characterisation of a serine peptidase from the marine
psychrophile strain PA-43. FEMS Microbiology Letters 201,
Jane A. Irwin, Haflidi M. Gudmundsson, Viggo T. Marteinsson,
Gudmundur O. Hreggvidsson, Antony F. Lanzetti, Gudni A.
Alfredsson og Paul C. Engel (2001). Characterization of
alanine and malate dehydrogenases from a marine
psychrophile strain PA-43. Extremophiles, 5 : 199-211.
Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir
Halldór Runólfsson, Guðni Á. Alfreðsson, Niels Árni Lund og
Sveinn Sigurmundsson (2002). Skýrsla starfshóps um
Salmonella og Campylobacter í dýrum og umhverfi á
Suðurlandi. Landbúnaðarráðuneytið, mars 2002, 32 bls.
Gudni A. Alfredsson (2002). Isolation of Salmonella from
environmental surface waters. Report on sampling in the
south of Iceland. University of Iceland, Institute of Biology,
Microbiology laboratory, May 2002, 10 bls.
Gudni A. Alfredsson (2001). Report: Campylobacter and
Salmonella in poultry in Iceland 1999 – sampling procedure
and production figures. University of Iceland, Institute of
Biology, Microbiology laboratory, Reykjavik, Iceland, May
2001, 8 bls.
Guðni Á. Alfreðsson (2001). Skýrsla um sýklarannsóknir á Suð-
urlandi – Sérskýrsla til starfshóps landbúnaðarráðherra um
Salmonella og Campylobacter. Líffræðistofnun Háskólans,
Örverufræðistofa (fjölrit), Reykjavík, desember 2001, 9 bls.
G.A. Alfredsson, H.M. Gudmundsson, H. Runólfsson (2002).
Environmental sources of Salmonella in Iceland. Útdráttur:
The World of Microbes - Xth International Congress of
Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology (IUMS). July 27th -
August 1st 2002, Paris, France (Abstract 63B,B-517).
H.M. Gudmundsson, S. Hjörleifsdóttir, J.K. Kristjánsson, G.A.
Alfredsson (2002). A search for psychrophilic bacterio-
phages. Útdráttur: Extremophiles 2002, The 4th Inter-
national Congress on Extremophiles. September 22-26,
2002. Naples, Italy (Abstract no. P17).
Guðni Á. Alfreðsson, Hafliði M. Guðmundsson og Halldór Run-
ólfsson (2002). Umhverfismengun af völdum Salmonella á
Íslandi. Útdráttur: Haustþing Örverufræðifélags Íslands, 14.
nóv. 2002, Reykjavík (birt í Fréttabréfi Örverufræðifélags Ís-
Hafliði M. Guðmundsson, Sigríður Hjörleifsdóttir, Jakob K.
Kristjánsson og Guðni Á. Alfreðsson (2002). Leit að kulda-
kærum bakteríuveirum. Útdráttur: Haustþing Örverufræði-
félags Íslands, 14. nóv. 2002, Reykjavík (birt í Fréttabréfi Ör-
verufræðifélags Íslands)
B.M. Hayden, R. Cunnane, J.A. Irwin, H.M. Gudmundsson, G.A.
Alfredsson og P.C. Engel (2001). The isolation and
characterisation of a cold-adapted metalloalkaline
phosphatase from the Arctic psychrophile strain PA-43.
Abstract book : 674th meeting of The Biochemical Society,
Dublin, Írlandi, 11.-13. júlí 2001 (Abstract nr. 39, bls A119).
Einnig birt í Biochemical Society Transactions (2001), 29,
K.L. Hiett, N.J. Stern, G.A. Alfredsson, N.A. Cox, R. Lowman,
K.G. Kristinsson, E. Gunnarsson, V. Fridriksdottir, F. Georgs-
son, A. Thorkelsson. (2001). Phylogenetic relationships of
Campylobacter isolated in Iceland. Abstract book: 11th
International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and
Related Organisms, 1.-5. sept., 2001, Freiburg, Germany.
(Abstract nr. H-11).
N.J. Stern, K.L. Hiett, G.A. Alfredsson, N.A. Cox, K.G. Kristins-
son, H. Hardardottir, J. Reiersen, H. Briem, E. Gunnarsson,
F. Georgsson, R. Lowman, A. Lammerding, G. Paoli, E.
Berndtson og M. Musgrove (2001). Campylobacter spp. In
Icelandic poultry operations and human disease. 11th
International Workshop on Campylobacter , Helicobacter
and Related Organisms, 1.-5. sept., 2001, Freiburg,
Germany. (Abstract nr. E-28).
Guðrún Marteinsdóttir prófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Begg, G. A., and G. Marteinsdottir. 2002. Environmental and
stock effects on spawning origins and recruitment of cod
Gadus morhua Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 229:245-262.
Begg, A. G., and G. Marteinsdottir. 2002. Environmental and stock
effects on spatial distribution and abundance of mature cod
Gadus morhua. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 229:233-244.