Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Qupperneq 141

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Qupperneq 141
140 crystallization and volcanological consequences. 25th Nor- dic Geological Winter Meeting, Reykjavík, Iceland Sigmarsson, O., Thordarson, T., and Jakobsson, S. P., 2002: Segregation veins in Surtsey lavas, Iceland, and implications for volatile-liquid transfer processes during magma differentiation. Vorráðstefna Jarðfræðafélags Ís- lands. S. Moune, P.-J. Gauthier, O. Sigmarsson, 2002: Mobilité des éléments traces dans les gaz magmatiques de l’Hekla (Is- lande) et du Masaya (Nicaragua). Journée scientifique de la CRV, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Chmeleff J., Sigmarsson O., Monzier M., 2002: Géchimie des laves historiques du volcan GUAGUA PICHINCHA (EQUAT- EUR): Implications sur la structure profonde des volcans adakitiques. 19ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nantes, France. 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Chmeleff J., Sigmarsson O., Monzier M., 2002: Géchimie des laves historiques du volcan GUAGUA PICHINCHA (EQUAT- EUR): Implications sur la structure profonde des volcans adakitiques. 19ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nantes, France. Sigmarsson, O., and Gill, J. B., 2002: U-series disequilibria in historical lava flows from Izu-arc. Subduction factory NSF Margins, Hawaii, USA. Sigurður R. Gíslason vísindamaður Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Gíslason, S. R., Oelkers, H. E., and Bruno, J. (2002). Geo- chemistry of crustal fluids: an Andalusian perspective. Chemical Geology 190, 1-12. Gíslason, S. R., Snorrason, Á, Kristmannsdóttir, H. K., Svein- björnsdóttir, Á. E., Torsander, P., Ólafsson, J., Castet, S., and Dupré, B. (2002). Effects of volcanic eruptions on the CO2 content of the atmosphere and the oceans: the 1996 eruption and flood within the Vatnajökull glacier, Iceland. Chemical Geology 190, 181-206. Editors’ Choice, Science 298, p. 1681. Bókarkaflar og kaflar í ráðstefnuritum Arnalds, O., and Gíslason S. R. (2002). Validity of oxalate extraction for characterization and Al/Si calculations for vitric Andosols. Soil Resources of European Volcanic Systems. Mainzer narurwiss. Archiv, 40, 13-15. Gíslason S. R., Oelkers E. H., and Wolff-Boenisch (2002a). The consequences of basaltic glass dissolution. Abstract Volume, The Sixth International Symposium on The Geo- chemistry of The Earth’s Surface (GES-6) 20-24 May, 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 27-30. Elefssen, S. Ó., H. Haraldsson, S. R. Gíslason, H. Kristmanns- dóttir (2002). Real-time monitoring of glacial rivers in Iceland. In: The Extremes of the Extremes: Extraordinary Floods (ed. by Á. Snorrason, H. P. Finnsdóttir and M. E. Moss). (Proc. Reykjavík, Iceland Symp., July 2000), 199-204, IAHS Publ. no. 271. Kristmannsdóttir, H., S. R. Gíslason, Á. Snorrason, H. Haraldsson, S. Hauksdóttir and Á. Gunnarsson 2002. Seasonal changes in the chemistry of glacial-fed rivers in Iceland. In: The Extremes of the Extremes: Extraordinary Floods (ed. by Á. Snorrason, H. P. Finnsdóttir and M. E. Moss). (Proc. Reykjavík, Iceland Symp., July 2000), 223-229, IAHS Publ. no. 271. Kristmannsdóttir, H., Á. Snorrason, S. R. Gíslason, H. Haralds- son, Á. Gunnarsson, S. Hauksdóttir and S. Elefsen (2002). Geochemical warning for subglacial eruptions – background and history In: The Extremes of the Extremes: Extraordinary Floods (ed. by Á. Snorrason, H. P. Finnsdóttir and M. E. Moss). (Proc. Reykjavík, Iceland Symp., July 2000), 231-236, IAHS Publ. no. 271. Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir Sigurður Reynir Gíslason, Árni Snorrason, Eydís Salome Eiríks- dóttir, Bergur Sigfússon, Sverrir Óskar Elefsen, Jórunn Harðardóttir, Ásgeir Gunnarsson, Einar Örn Hreinsson, Peter Torsander, Marin I. Kardjilov og Níels Örn Óskarsson (2002). Efnasamsetning, rennsli og aurburður straumvatna á Austurlandi, III. Gagnagrunnur Raunvísindastofnunar og Orkustofnnunar. Raunvísindastofnun, RH-11-2002, 96 bls.
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