Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Síða 150

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Síða 150
149 caries in two studies of Icelandic teenagers, 1985 and 1986. Preventive dentistry 2002 Jena, Germany 22.-23. February 2002. Á Ástvaldsdóttir, IB Árnadóttir; WP HolbrookRadiographic initial caries in two studies of Icelandic teenagers, 1985 and 1986. European Festival Of Oral Science programme and Abstracts 2002. IB Árnadóttir, T Jensdóttir, I Thorsdóttir, WP Holbrook. Dental Erosion in Referred Population GroupsEuropean Festival Of Oral Science programme and Abstracts 2002. T Jensdóttir, IB Árnadóttir, I Thorsdóttir, WP Holbrook. Soft Drink Consumption and Dental Erosion. European Festival Of Oral Science programme and Abstracts 2002. Álfheiður Ástvaldsdóttir, Inga B Árnadóttir; WP Holbrook Byrj- andi tannskemmdir metnar af röntgenmyndum í tveimur rannsóknum á íslenskum unglingum, 1985 og 1986. Læknablaðið, fylgirit 47 / 2002; 58. Inga B Árnadóttir, Þorbjörg Jensdóttir, Inga Thorsdóttir, WP Holbrook. Tíðni glerungseyðingar í áhættuhópum. Lækna- blaðið, fylgirit 47 / 2002; 59. Þorbjörg Jensdóttir, Inga B Árnadóttir, Inga Thorsdóttir, WP Holbrook. Neysla drykkja og glerungseyðing tanna. Lækna- blaðið, fylgirit 47 / 2002; 59. Karl Örn Karlsson lektor Fyrirlestrar Gagnreynd heilsufarssaga. Erindi flutt á vetrarfundi um rann- sóknir í tannlækningum 7.12.2002. Kynjaverkir. Erindi flutt á fundi verkjasviðs Reykjalundar 14.2.2002. Peter Holbrook prófessor Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum Ögmundsdottir HM, Hilmarsdottir H, Ástvaldsdottir Á, Johanns- son JH, Holbrook WP (2002). Oral lichen planus has a high rate of TP53 mutations. A study of oral mucosa in Iceland. Eur J Oral Sci 110;192-198. Jensdóttir Þ, Þórsdóttir I, Árnadóttir IB, Holbrook WP (2002). Glerungseyðandi drykkir á íslenskum markaði. Læknablað- ið 88;569-72. Rohlin M, Schaub RM, Holbrook P, Leibur E et al. (samtals 11 höfundar). Section 2. 2 Continuous quality improvement. Eur J Dent Educ 2002;6 Suppl. 3:67-77. Fyrirlestrar Antibacterial activity of mutans streptococci against other oral organisms. Holbrook WP*. Preventive Dentistry 2002, Jena 2002. Salivary Fusobacterium nucleatum as a potential source of nasopharyngeal F. nucleatum during acute otitis media in infancy. Haraldsson G*, Jousimies-Somer H, Nyforsi S, Holbrook WP, Könönen E. J Dent Res 81 (special issue A) 2002, abstract 0084. Glerungseyðing tanna vegna bakflæðis. Pharmaco dagur, Garðarbæ, 20. mars 2002. Bakteriócinvirkni af Streptococcus mutans frá einstaklingum með skemmdar tennur og einstaklingum með engar skemmdar tennur. Vetrarfundur Tannlækningastofnunar 2002. Mutans streptococci from caries-active and caries-free individuals. Fyrirlestur fyrir Tannlæknadeild, Indianapolis háskola og Indiana Section American Association for Dental Research. 25.10.2002 Veggspjöld Tvö veggspjöld kynnt á US-Icelandic Science Day 24.5.2002 á vegum Rannís. a) Soft drink consumption and dental erosion; b) Oral, periodontal and gynaecological findings in pregnant women in Iceland. Buffer capacity, titratable acid and pH of non-alcoholic beverages in relation to the dissolution of tooth substance in vitro. Jensdóttir T*, Bardow A, Holbrook WP. J Dent Res 81 (special issue A) 2002, abstract 1438. Radiographic initial caries in two studies of Icelandic teenagers, 1987 and 1996. Ástvaldsdóttir A*, Árnadóttir A, Holbrook WP. Inaugural meeting of the Pan-European Federation of IADR, Cardiff 2002, abstract 337 and Preventive Dentistry 2002, Jena 2002 Soft drink consumption and dental erosion. Jensdóttir T*, Árna- dóttir I, Thorsdottir I, Bardow A, Holbrook WP. Inaugural meeting of the Pan-European Federation of IADR, Cardiff 2002, abstract 584. Dental erosion in referred population groups. Árnadóttir I*, Jensdóttir T, Thorsdóttir I, Holbrook WP. Inaugural meeting of the Pan-European Federation of IADR, Cardiff 2002, abstract 585. Simple method for evaluation of the erosive potential of soft drinks. Jensdóttir T, Holbrook WP*, Bardow A. Inaugural meeting of the Pan-European Federation of IADR, Cardiff 2002, abstract 586. Oral lichen planus has a high rate of TP53mutations- a possible link to cancer risk? Holbrook WP*, Ögmundsdóttir WP, Hilmarsdóttir H, Jóhannsson JH. European Association of Oral Medicine, Lisbon 2002, abstract P34. Ritstjórn Í ritstjórn Journal of Dental Research. Í ritstjórn Community Dentistry Oral Epidemiology. Í ritstjórn European Journal of Oral Sciences. Í ritstjórn Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. Útdrættir Salivary Fusobacterium nucleatum as a potential source of nasopharyngeal F. nucleatum during acute otitis media in infancy. Haraldsson G, Jousimies-Somer H, Nyforsi S, Holbrook WP, Könönen E. J Dent Res 81 (special issue A) 2002, abst. 0084. Buffer capacity, titratable acid and pH of non-alcoholic beverages in relation to the dissolution of tooth substance in vitro. Jensdottir T, Bardow A, Holbrook WP. J Dent Res 81 (special issue A) 2002, abst. 1438. Radiographic initial caries in two studies of Icelandic teenagers, 1987 and 1996. Ástvaldsdóttir A, Árnadóttir A, Holbrook WP. Inaugural meeting of the Pan-European Federation of IADR, Cardiff 2002, abst. 337 and Preventive Dentistry 2002, Jena 2002. Soft drink consumption and dental erosion. Jensdóttir T, Árna- dóttir I, Thorsdottir I, Bardow A, Holbrook WP. Inaugural meeting of the Pan-European Federation of IADR, Cardiff 2002, abst. 584. Dental erosion in referred population groups. Árnadóttir I, Jens- dóttir T, Thorsdóttir I, Holbrook WP. Inaugural meeting of the Pan-European Federation of IADR, Cardiff 2002, abst. 585. Simple method for evaluation of the erosive potential of soft drinks. Jensdóttir T, Holbrook WP, Bardow A. Inaugural meeting of the Pan-European Federation of IADR, Cardiff 2002, abst. 586. Oral lichen planus has a high rate of TP53mutations – a possible link to cancer risk? Holbrook WP, Ögmundsdóttir WP, Hilmarsdóttir H, Jóhannsson JH. European Association of Oral Medicine, Lisbon 2002, abst. P34. Antibacterial activity of mutans streptococci against other oral org- anisms. Holbrook WP. Preventive Dentistry 2002, Jena 2002.
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