Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Side 166
with Howard J. Wall. Presented at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Saint Louis, May 2002.
The Structuralist Perspective on Real Exchange Rate, Share
Price Level and Employment Path: What Room is Left for
Money?, with Edmund S. Phelps and Hian Teck Hoon.
Presented at the New School of Social Research, New York,
23 November 2002.
Helgi Tómasson dósent
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
Einn af 7 höfundum á: Efficacy of Distant Healing – a Proposal
for a Four-Armed Randomized Study: Forchende
Komplementarmedizin-Klassiche Naturheilkunde 2002m, 9
pp. 168-176.
Erindi á vísindaráðstefnu: Helgi Tómasson: Estimation of
stochastic volatility under infrequent trading, flutt á Laugar-
vatn Workshop Stochastic Analysis and its Applications
August 2-7, 2002.
Málstofa Seðlabanka Íslands 18. mars: Líkanagerð og gagna-
greining við strjál viðskipti á verðbréfamarkaði: Gögn frá
Málstofa í hagfræði á Hagfræðistofnun 23 október: Notkun á
stókastískum diffurjöfnu við líkanagerð fyrir strjál viðskipti
á fjármagnsmörkuðum.
Ragnar Árnason prófessor
Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti
Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem. Fisheries
Research (2002) 58:255-265. (Meðhöfundar: Sinclair, Cirke,
Karnicki, Sigurjonsson, Skjoldal, Valdimarsson.)
Aðrar fræðilegar greinar
Lög og hagkvæmni: Eru óhagkvæm lög samfélagslega við-
unandi. Úlfljótur 55 (2002), 4:699-702
The Effects of Introducing Transferable Property Rights on Fleet
Capacity and Ownership of Harvesting Rights in the Ice-
landic Fisheries. In R. Shotton (ed.) Case studies on the
Effects of Introducing Transferable Fishing Rights on Fleet
Capacity and Concentration of Quota Ownership. FAO
Fisheries Technical Paper 412. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. Rome. 2001 (meðhöf.
Birgir Þ. Runólfsson).
Initial Allocation of ITQs in the Icelandic Fisheries. In R. Shotton
(ed.) Case studies on the Allocation of Transferable Quota
Rights in Fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 411.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Rome. 2001 (meðhöfundur Birgir Þ. Runólfsson).
Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir
Future Options for UK fish quota management. CEMARE. Report
58 University of Portsmouth (meðhöfundar Hatcher, Pascoe
og Banks).
A review of International experiences with ITQs. CEMARE.
Report 58. University of Portsmouth
Auðlindagjald og skatttekjur ríkisins. Hagfræðistofnun Háskóla
Íslands C01:04.
Mat á þjóðhagslegum kostnaði vegna líkamstjóna í umferðar-
slysum. Hagfræðistofnun HÍ (meðhöfundur Marías Gests-
Bioeconomic Management Models for the North-Atlantic: An
Overview. Bemmfish Project: Working Paper-2 (með-
höfundur Gunnar Ól. Haraldsson).
Fish Markets and Fishermen. The Economics of Overfishing.
Ecological Economics 40 (2002); 132-3.
Cost Recovery in Fisheries: Arguments for and AgainstXIV
EAFE Conference. FARO, Portugal, 25-7 March 2002.
The ITQ system in Iceland: Key Characteristics. Conferencia
International: Administration de Pescerias an Base a
Derechos de Usos. Valpariso, 3.-5. apríl 2002.
Quota transferability and Concentration. Conferencia
International: Administration de Pescerias an Base a
Derechos de Usos. Valpariso, 3.-5. apríl 2002.
The role of the Private Sector in Fisheries Management.
Conferencia International: Administration de Pescerias an
Base a Derechos de Usos. Valpariso, 3.-5. apríl 2002.
ITQs in Iceland: The Experience. Conferencia International:
Administration de Pescerias an Base a Derechos de Usos.
Valpariso, 3.-5. apríl 2002.
Enforcement and Inspection. Conferencia International:
Administration de Pescerias an Base a Derechos de Usos.
Valpariso, 3.-5. apríl 2002.
The small scale sector. Conferencia International: Admin-
istration de Pescerias an Base a Derechos de Usos.
Valpariso, 3.-5. apríl 2002.
Conflict Resoution Mechanisms. Conferencia International:
Administration de Pescerias an Base a Derechos de Usos.
Valpariso, 3.-5. apríl 2002.
Þjóðlendur eða einkalendur: Hagfræðileg sjónarmið. Málþing
Lagastofnunar Háskóla Íslands um þjóðlendur og úrskurði
óbyggðanefndar, 12. apríl 2002.
Resource Rent taxation: Is it really non-distortive. 2nd World
Congress of Environmental and resoure Economists.
Monterey, 24.-7. júní 2002.
Utilizing the Living Marine Resources of the Arctic: Efficient
management Systems. Fifth Conference of the Arctic
regions. Tromsö, 11.-13. ágúst 2002.
Community Fisheries Management: Possible Applications to
Mediterranean Fisheries. Conference on Fisheries
Management and Multilevel Decision Systems: The
Mediterranean Case. IREPA Salerno, October 17-18.
What is an Environmentally Harmful Subsidy? OECD Workshop on
Environmentally harmful subsidies. Paris, 7-8 November 2002
Auðlindagjald og skatttekjur ríkisins (… og örlítið um
Lafferbugður). Málstofa í hagfræði, 20. febrúar 2002.
The Icelandic ITQ system: University of California, Davis 25.
október 2002.
Theorems on Community Fisheries Management.
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University
of Rhode Island, 18. nóvember 2002.
The Icelandic ITQ System. University of Rhode Island,
22.nóvember 2002.
Ecosystem Fisheries Management by Means of ITQs. University
of Rhode Island, 6. desember 2002.
The Experience of Individual Transferable Quotas in Iceland.
University of Rhode Island, 18. desember 2002.
Í ritstjórn Fjármálatíðinda á árinu 2002.
Í ritstjórn (Associate editor) Marine Resource Economics 2002.
Í ritstjórn Tímarits um viðskipti og efnahagsmál 2002.
Snjólfur Ólafsson prófessor
Erindið Stefnumiðað árangursmat frá sjónarhóli aðgerðarann-
sókna, flutt á fundi hjá Aðgerðarannsóknafélagi Íslands 15.
október 2002.