Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Qupperneq 167

Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2003, Qupperneq 167
Erindið Samgöngulíkan fyrir Ísland, flutt á ráðstefnu Vegagerð- arinnar 1. nóvember 2002. Sveinn Agnarsson sérfræðingur Bók, fræðirit Byggðir og búseta. Haustskýrsla Hagfræðistofnunar Háskóla Íslands 2002. Ásamt Ásgeiri Jónssyni og Axel Hall. Grein í ritrýndu fræðiriti Family background and the estimated returns to schooling. í Journal of Human Resources, 37(3), bls. 680-692. Ásamt Paul S. Carlin. Önnur fræðileg grein „Veröld sem var?“ Hagmál 2002, bls. 22-25. kafli í ráðstefnuriti „Um kostnað.“ Ráðunautafundur 2002. Bændahöllinni 6.-8. febrúar 2002. Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir Stytting grunn- og framhaldsskóla. Áhrif á einstaklinga, sveit- arfélög, ríkissjóð og þjóðarframleiðslu. Hagfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands, C02:01. Productivity in the Icelandic fish processing industry: A dual approach. Economic Performance of the North-Atlantic Fisheries, M 2/1999. Description of the Icelandic data used in the project Economic Performance of the North Atlantic Fisheries. Economic Performance of the North-Atlantic Fisheries, M-1/2002. A non-parametric study of the performance of the Icelandic fish processing industry. Economic Performance of the North- Atlantic Fisheries, M-2/2002. Productivity of the Icelandic fishing fleet. Economic Performance of the North-Atlantic Fisheris, M-3/2002. Fyrirlestrar „Um kostnað“ á ráðunautafundi Búnaðarsambands Íslands 2002 á Hótel Sögu 6. febrúar 2002. „Hagfræði menntunar“ á hádegisverðarfundi Félags ungra jafn- aðarmanna í Odda 17. apríl 2002. „Hagfræði menntunar og stytting skóla“ á málstofu við Háskól- ann á Akureyri. 24. maí 2002. „Borgar sig að fara í skóla?“ á vísindadögum í Odda 10. nóvember. „Áfangaskýrsla aflareglunefndar: Umfjöllun um framsögu Frið- riks Más Baldurssonar“ á fyrirspurnarþingi sjávarútvegs- ráðuneytisins á Grand Hótel 11. nóvember 2002. „Eru bestu skólarnir „bestir“? Athugun á skilvirkni í grunnskól- um Reykjavíkur“ á málstofu við Hagfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands 11. desember 2002. Tór Einarsson prófessor Önnur fræðileg grein ‘Banks, Bonds and the Liquidity effect’ (with Milton H. Marquis), Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Review, 2002. Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir ‘Banks, and Liquidity effect’ (with Milton H. Marquis), IOES Working paper series W02:01, janúar 2002. ‘Small Open Economy Model with Domestic Resurce Shocks: Monetary Union vs. Floating Exchange Rate’, IOES Working Paper Series W02:04, 2002. Fyrirlestur ‘Small Open Economy Model with Domestic Resurce Shocks: Monetary Union vs. Floating Exchange Rate’, málstofa á vegum Seðlabanka Íslands, 13. maí 2002. Tryggvi Þór Herbertsson dósent Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum The Modigliani ‘Puzzle’, Economics Letters 76, No. 3, August 2002, pp. 437-442, with Gylfi Zoëga. Framreikningar heilbrigðisútgjalda, Fjármálatíðindi, síðara hefti 2002, með Sólveigu I. Jóhannsdóttur. Önnur fræðileg grein Fækkun fólks á vinnumarkaði og snemmtekinn lífeyrir, Hagmál 41, 2002, bls. 4-11. Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir Skýrsla nefndar um sveigjanleg starfslok (90%). Monetary Transmisson and Monitoring of the Real Economy in Uganda, með Axel Hall. A Microstate with Scale Economies: The Case of Iceland, IoES Working Paper Series, No. W02:10, with Gylfi Zoëga. Fyrirlestrar Demographics and Unemployment, seminar at the Central Bank of Iceland, December 2002. Flexible Retirement, presentation by invitation at the annual meeting of the Icelandic National Association of Pension Funds, Radisson SAS Saga, December 2002. Demographics and Unemployment, presentation by invitation at the conference Demographic-Macroeconomic Modelling, organized by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock Germany, September 2002. The Oxford Seminar on Work and Retirement in an Ageing Society, conference organized by the Oxford Institute of Ageing, University of Oxford, September 2002. The 4th Nordic Financial Summit: Regional Tactics for Global Integration, moderator in the joint panel session: The Economic Future of the Nordic Region, organized by Euro- money Institutional Investors, Stockholm, September 2002. How to Live With the Króna? presentation for the Icelandic Chamber of Commerce, August 2002. The Nordic Pension Systems and Early Retirement in the Nordic Countries, presentation for the annual meeting of Nordic Engineers, June 2002. Demographics and Unemployment, 16th annual congress of the European Society for Population Economics, Bilbao, Spain, June 2002. The Nordic Pension Systems and Early Retirement in the Nordic Countries, presentation for the Nordic State Employee Organizations, May 2002. Why Icelanders Do Not Retire Early, presentation for the Department of Justice in Sweden, April 2002. Age Distribution and Early Retirement, presentation at a conference on Retirement organized by the Agricultural Bank of Iceland, April 2002. Income Equality in Iceland, presentation at the Icelandic Federation of Labor, February 2002. Pension Policy and Early Retirement in the Nordic Countries, seminar at the Central Bank of Iceland, February 2002. Pension Policy and Early Retirement in the Nordic Countries, seminar at the Department of Economics, University of Iceland, January 2002. Ritstjórn Í ritstjórn Fjármálatíðinda Seðlabanka Íslands frá 2000. Ritstjóri IoES Working Paper Series. 166
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Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands

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