Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Blaðsíða 165
Distribution and the impact of outfield
drainage on carabids (Coleoptera,
Carabidae) in north western Eysturoy,
Faroe Islands
Útbreiðsla ai/ svartaklukkum (Coleoptera, Carabidae) /
Útnyrðingseysturoy og hvussu ávirkast hon av avveiting
William Simonsen1, Anna Maria Fosaa2, Erla Olsen3 and Jana Mikkelsen4
Faroese Museum of Natural History, Debesartrøð, FO-100 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands.
Email:,, and
During an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
Carabidae was one of the factors used to assess the im-
pact of land drainage for hydropower. The areas inves-
tigated were outfields; these areas included a broad
range of habitats, and therefore the distribution of
Carabidae in the areas in question provided informa-
tion about the distribution of Carabidae as a whole,
which this paper aims to describe. Fourteen of the 26
previously recorded Carabidae species were found.
One species Agonum fuliginosum was recorded for the
first time in the Faroe Islands. Another Carabidae Be-
mbidion bruxellense was recorded for the first time in
Eysturoy. Altitude and season were seen to influence
the abundance of some carabids and this is related to
the distribution of preferred habitats and to repro-
ductive cycles. The distribution of Carabidae and the
effects of outfield drainage are discussed in this paper.
Ein árinskanning varð gjørd fyri at finna fram til, hvussu
avveiting av lendi kann ávirka lívverurnar í lendinum.
Eitt nú vórðu svartaklukkur kannaðar. Kannaðu økini,
ið øll vóru uttangarðs, fevndu um ymisk sløg av lendi.
Tí gav hendan kanning nógva vitan um útbreiðslu hjá
svartaklukkum yvirhøvur, ið eisini er ætlanin at lýsa við
hesi grein. Fjúrtan av teim 26 kendu svartaklukkusløg-
unum vórðu funnin. Eitt slag varð skrásett fyri fyrstu
ferð í Føroyum, Agonumfuliginosum. Ein onnur svarta-
klukka Bembidion bruxellense varð skrásett fyri fyrstu
ferð í Eysturoy. Hædd og árstíð høvdu ávirkan á út-
breiðsluna av svartaklukkunum. Hetta varð sett í sam-
band við aðra vitan um sløgini, eitt nú hvørji búøki tey
nýta og nær á árinum tey makast.
The Faroese carabids are regarded as being
of northwest european origin (Bengtson,
1981). Hitherto 26 species of carabidae have
been recorded in the Faroe Islands (Bengt-
son, 1982). These 26 species were already
described in 1930 by West (1930), who was
working with material mainly collected by
Danish zoologists through the mid 1920s.
Since a Norvegian/ Swedish team in 1978
and 1979 made a survey covering all the
Fróðskaparrit 56. bók 2008:163-181