Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Síða 169
OD-AREA (Eiði 1)
Above 150 altitude Below 150 altitude First part of season _ater part of season
Date:1,3,15, 20 aug-2007 N=23 Date:1, 3,15, 20 aug-2007 N=36 Date: 1 - 3 aug 2007 N=30 Date: 15-20 aug 2007 N=29
Number of indi- viduals Percent- age abun- dance (%) Number of indi- viduals Percent- age abun- dance(%) Number of indi- viduals Percent- age abun- dance (%) Number of indi- viduals Percent- age abun- dance (%)
Agonum fuliginosum 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Bembion bruxellense 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Calathusfuscipes 23 4.9 111 14.4 93 13.4 41 7.9
Calathus melanocephalus 9 1.9 1 0.4 9 1.5 1 0.5
Carabus problematicus 60 18.8 135 17.9 62 8.1 133 28.7
Loricera pilicornis 1 0.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.3
Nebria rufescens 23 5.6 38 5.2 30 4.6 31 6.2
Nebria salina 81 25.3 178 23.0 106 19.8 153 28.0
Notiophilus biguttatus 9 2.2 11 1.5 9 1.6 11 1.9
Patrobus atrorufus 45 11.6 136 20.0 117 20.2 64 13.0
Patrobus sepentrionis 73 22.6 47 6.7 102 18.7 18 6.9
Pterostichus adstrictus 3 0.7 14 2.8 13 3.5 4 0.4
Pterostichus diligens 1 0.5 4 1.1 1 0.4 4 1.3
Pterostichus nigrita 2 1.0 3 0.3 2 0.2 3 0.9
Trechus obtusus 18 4.7 38 6.7 35 7.9 21 3.8
SUM 348 100.0 716 100.0 579 100.0 485 100.0
Table 2. Numbers and percentage abundance ofcarabidae collected in 0D area. Data are presented
according to altitude and part ofseason. N refers to number ofstations, each containing 5 pit-fall traps.
it was not possible to emty all stations
equally many times. Therefore N is not equal
in the statistics. Pitfall-traps were set up in
94 localities, altogether this resulted in 470
Data analysis
The carabidae were sorted into species. To
reveal which carabidae dominate in an area,
the numbers of individuals of the different
species of carabidae in each sample were cal-
culated to percentage abundance (%). The
investigated areas might have different num-
bers of individuals, so abundance in percent
makes it clearer which species are most
abundant. Because of the high number of
samples and because the pitfall traps were
equally undisturbed by wind, rain and sheep
in all places, the real number of carabidae
were used in statistics, and not any trans-