Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Síða 176

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Síða 176
174 DISTRIBUTION AND THE IMPACT OF OUTFIELD DRAINACE ON CARABIDS (COLEOPTERA, CARAB/DAE) IN NORTH WESTERN EYSTUROY, FAROE ISLANDS salina, Patrobus septentrionis and Carabus problematicus are the most abundant spe- cies above 150 m altitude; Patrobus atroru- fus is also quite abundant. Below 150 m altitude Nebria salina, Patrobus atrorufus, Carabus problematicus and Calathus fuscipes were the most abundant species. UD area Fourteen species were found in the UD area (Eiði 2) see Table 3. From Table 3 we see that Nebria salina is the most abundant species above 125 m altitude followed by Patrobus septentrionis, Patrobus atrorufus, Nebria ru- fescens and Trechus obtusus, which all have an abundance between 8.2 and 11.5 percent. Below 125 m altitude the most abundant species are Calathus fuscipes and Nebria salina; Carabus problematicus and Patrobus septentrionis are also quite abundant ND area Thirteen species were found in the ND area see Table 4. From Table 4 we see that Nebria salina is the most abundant species above 157 m altitude, followed by Patrobus septen- trionis; Nebria refescens, Trechus obtusus and to some degree Notiophilus biguttatus are also abundant. Below 125 m altitude Trechus obtusus is the most abundant species fol- lowed by Nebria salina and Patrobus septen- trionis; Patrobus atrorufus is also abundant. Influence ofaltitude Calatusfuscipes was found to be significantly more abundant at the lower altitudes, this was seen both in the OD (P=0.000) and UD (P=0.003) area see Tables 2 and 3. Both Nebria salina and Nebria rufescens were significantly more abundant at the higher altitudes, this was seen in the UD area (P=0.013 and P=0.015 respectively) and ND area (P=0.007 and P=0.000 respectively), but not in the OD area, see Tables 2, 3 and 4. Patrobus atrorufus was also significantly (P=0.002) more abundant at the lower alti- tudes, this was seen in the OD area (P=0.043) and ND area (P=0.003), but not in the UD area, see Tables 2, 3 and 4. Patrobus septen- trionis was found to be significantly (P=0.0025) more abundant at the higher altitudes in the OD area, but no difference was found in the ND and UD area. Trechus obtusus was found to be significantly (P=0.006) more abundant at the higher alti- tudes in the UD area, but no difference was found in the OD and ND area. No other spe- cies were found to have significantly different distribution regarding altitude except Lori- cera pilicornis which was found to be signi- ficantly more abundant at higher altitudes; but since we found so few Loricera pilicornis (see Tables 2, 3 and 4), we decided not to regard this result as valid. Influence ofseason Calathus fuscipes and Patrobus septentrionis were both significantly (P=0.05 and P=0.000 respectively) more abundant in the early part of the season; this was seen both in the OD and UD area regarding Calathusfuscipes and in all 3 areas regarding Patrobus septen- trionis, see Tables 2, 3 and 4. Carabus proble- maticus, Nebria salina and Notiophilus bigut- tatus were all found to be significantly (P=0.001; P=0.000 and P=0.001 respectively) more abundant in the late part of the sea- son, this was seen for Nebria salina in all areas, for Carabus problematicus in OD and UD and for Notiophilus biguttatus in ND and
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