Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Side 181
Higher altitude areas Lower altide areas
Area -> Vegetation ODand UD ND ODand UD ND
Heath* Patrobus septentrionis, Carabus problematicus No heather Carabus problematicus, and sometimes Pterostichus nigrita No heather
Relatively dry grassland** Nebria salina Nebria salina, Patrobus septentroinis, Nebria rufescens Nebria salina, Calathus fuscipes Trechus obtusus, Nebria salina, Patrobus septentrionis
Relatively dry grassland mixed with gravel*** Calathus fuscipes, Nebria salina, Nebria rufescens Nebria salina, Patrobus septentrionis Calathus fuscipes Nebria salina
Wet grassland partly meadow- like**** Patrobus atrorufus, Trechus obtusus Trechus obtusus, Patrobus septentrionis Patrobus atrorufus, Trechus obtusus Patrobus atrorufus, Trechus obtusus
Table 5. The dominant carabidae in the different vegetation types in the OD area, ND area and the UD
area. The different kind of vegetations are presented in the column to the left.
* Calluna vulgaris heath, ** contains Racomitrium heath, *** also contains Racomitrium heath, but
mixed with stones and gravel. **** Wet grassland, wet meadow, sometimes a bit of mire is included,
because Eiði-3 was facing north the area was usually more humid that those areas facing west. For
vegetation explanation, see (Fosaa et al„ 2008).
this area having more heather than the other
areas (Fosaa et al„ 2008; Lindroth, 1985). The
Calluna vulgaris preference by larger cara-
bidae has also been shown by Cole et al.
(2006) and Brose (2003). The high abun-
dance of heather in the OD area has been as-
sociated to this area being drained; see Fosaa
et al. (2008). Therefore the distribution of