Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Blaðsíða 187
útleiðing hjá Tóshavnar kommunu í Sersjanta-
víkina. 16pp.
Havlívfrøðiliga royndarstøðin 2007. P/f Luna, við-
gerð av streymmáting á aliplássinum hjá hjá P/f
Luna við Breiðá á Sørvágsfirði. 40pp.
Havlívfrøðiliga royndarstøðin 2007. P/f Luna, við-
gerð av streymmáting á aliplássinum hjá hjá P/f
Luna í Selvík á Sørvágsfirði. 28pp.
Faroese Veterinary Serwice
Varðagøta 85, FO-100 Tórshavn
Phone: +298 37 52 73 • Fax: +298 31 18 19
Web page:
Scientific papers
Olsen, J. 2006. Hunting activities in the Faroe Islands:
how user knowledge is gartered, kept and trans-
mitted among pilot whale hunters in the Faroe
Islands. In: Hovelsrud, G.K. and Winsnes, C.
(eds). 2006. Users Knowledge. Proceedings from
Conference, Reykjavík January 2003: 38-43.
Faroese Fisheries Laboratory
Nóatún, PO-Box 3051, FO-110 Tórshavn
Phone: +298 35 39 00 • Fax: +298 35 39 01
Email: • Web page:
Scientific papers
Falkenhaug, T., Gislason, A„ and Gaard, E„ 2007. Ver-
tical distribution and population structure of
copepods along the northern Mid-Atlantic
Ridge. ICES CM 2007/F:07. 26 pp.
Gaard, E„ Debes, H„ and Nolsøe, K. 2007. Calanus
finmarchicus changes in the southern Norwe-
gian Sea, 1990-2007. Poster 3545 at the 4t/i In-
ternational Zooplankton Production Symposium.
May 28 - June 1 2007, Hiroshima, Japan.
Hansen, B„ Østerhus, S. 2007. Faroe Bank Channel
overflow 1995-2005. Progress in Oceanography.
doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2007.09.004 .
Hátún, H„ Jacobsen, J.A., and Sandø, A.B. 2007. En-
vironmental influence on the spawning distri-
bution and migration pattern of northern blue
whiting (Micromesistius poutassou). ICES CM
2007/8:06. 10 pp.
ICES 2007. Report of the Planning Group on
Northeast Atlantic Pelagic Ecosystem Surveys
(PGNAPES). ICES CM 2007/RMC:07: 94 pp.
Jákupsstovu, S.H., Cruz, L.R., Maguire, J-J„ and Rein-
ert, J. 2007. Effort regulation of the demersal
fisheries at the Faroe Islands: a 10-year appraisal.
ICES ]ournal ofMarine Science 64: 730-737.
Magnussen, E. 2007. Interpopulation comparison of
growth patterns of 14 fish species on Faroe
Bank: are all fishes on the bank fast-growing?
Journal ofFish Biology 71: 453-475.
Mortensen, E„ Larsen, K.M.H., Hansen, B„ Kris-
tiansen, R. and Østerhus, S. 2007. Nordic WOCE
ADCP Deployments in Faroese Waters 2006-
2007. Faroese Fisheries Laboratory Technical Re-
port, 07-01.
Niclasen, B.A. and Simonsen, K. 2007. Valiation of
ECMWF analysis wave data from the area
around the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 55:126-
Nolsøe, H„ Imer, S. and Hultin, H. 2007. Study of how
phase separation by filtration instead of cen-
trifugation affects protein yield and gel quality
during an alkaline solubilisation process - dif-
ferent surimi-processing methods. International
Journal of Food Science & Technology, Volume
42, 2:139-147.
Pampoulie, C„ Steingrund, P„ Stefansson, M.E. and
Danielsdottir, A.K. 2007.Genetic divergence
among East lcelandic and Faroese population-
sof Atlantic cod provides evidence for historical
imprints atneutral and non-neutral markers.
ICES Journal of Marine Science 65:65-71.
Sherwin, T.J., Hughes, S.L., Turrell, W.R., Hansen, B.
and Østerhus, S. 2007. Wind-driven monthly
variations in transport and the flow field in the
Faroe-Shetland Channel. Polar Research 27,
Stenevik, E.K., Melle, W„ Gaard, E„ Gislason, A„
Árnes, C„ Prokopchuk, I. and Ellertsen, B. 2007.